Years 10-12 Coordinator

Darcy McCallum 

10-12 Key Dates


Thurs13thYr 12 Geography Fieldwork 
Tues18thSchool Photos
Fri21stSue Clay Visiting
Weds26thSue Clay Visiting
Weds2ndSue Clay Visiting
Fri4thEnd of Term 

LMR Swimming

Charlton College had two students represent the school at the LMR Swimming Championships held in Swan Hill on Tuesday. Congratulations to Stella N and Heidi S for their outstanding performances and achievements. Well done to Stella for making it to the championships and competing at such a high level. Her hard work and dedication in training over the summer and throughout the school year have clearly paid off. It’s a huge effort to reach this level, and Stella’s performance is a great reflection of her commitment to improving and pushing herself! Heidi finished with two 2nd place finishes in Freestyle and Breaststroke, as well as three 3rd place finishes in Butterfly, Backstroke, and the Individual Medley. Again, this is a remarkable achievement and a testament to her hard work and dedication. The College is incredibly proud to have both Heidi and Stella as representatives.

NCD Triathlon

On the 6th of March, Charlton College students took part in the NCD Triathlon in Boort. All students competed to the best of their ability, demonstrating great determination. A special congratulations to Heidi S for winning the Intermediate Girls Division. Well done to all participants for their hard work and commitment!

Year 10 Work Experience Fundraising 

Footy Tipping

Round 1 begins tomorrow (13/03), so there's still plenty of time to make up for those two missed games over the weekend. Please make sure your payment is up to date, either at the office or via bank transfer, as failure to do so will result in being removed from the competition.

Bank Transfer Details:

Account Name: Charlton College Official Account 

BSB: 063-662

Account Number: 1003 8636

Reference: Footy – “Your Name”


To Enter (after payment):


Easter Raffle & Egg Hunt

Starting next week, Year 10 students will be selling Easter Raffle tickets outside the front of IGA to support the Work Experience program. This is a great opportunity to help the program while also having a chance to win some delicious choccies! If you miss the students at IGA, tickets are also available at the office.


Additionally, our popular Egg Hunt will be running again on the last day of term, so don’t miss out on the fun. It’s the perfect way to wrap up the term with some sweet surprises!

Weekly Wrap: Year 11

This term has started off with swimming sports at the start of February and Avoca winning after gaining the most points. Just Last Thursday students in Years 7-11 put their hands up to participate in NCD Triathlon at Boort, Despite to very hot conditions everyone did very well.

Careers and Pathways

School Holiday Uni Tours & Events








Discover ACU – Ballarat 


Deakin University Tours – all campuses


Latrobe Uni Talk & Tours - Bendigo


Monash University Tours – all campuses


RMIT Tours


A day In the life of a Swinburne Student







Parents/Guardians Please Subscribe To Our Careers Newsfeed!





Melbourne Showgrounds

March 20th to March 22nd, 2025 


Year 12 VTAC Dates for 2026 Entry








The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) is the central hub for applying to tertiary institutions. They are responsible for processing and forwarding course applications to universities, & some TAFEs and independent tertiary institutions in Victoria. After selections are made by the institutions, VTAC will send out messages of offer to applicants who were successful.


VTAC has now set the date for 2026 Course applications. Courses, SEAS/Scholarship Applications open for current Year 12 students on:

 Monday 28th July 2025

To explore courses, visit




Thursday March 20th, 6:30pm

Come join Tyson Day, the Co-Founder and Lead Facilitator of Arrive & Thrive, as he shares the best way to have impactful career conversations in and around your home environment that produce clarity, career discovery, and momentum. 


Cost: $30

For further information visit:









Tuesday March 18th, 5:30pm – 6:30pm


Discover what it's like to study Medicine at Monash. Join us for an informative session where we'll discuss the course structure, placement opportunities and entry requirements. Our current students will be online to provide insights into their own experiences as well. 








WhatsMyFuture is a fantastic online resource that features video interviews (‘a day in the life of’) to help everyday people to understand what a career in disability/individual support could look like. The website also highlights resources (such as jobs fairs) and free training opportunities across Australia, with an easy-to-use searchable Resource Map.




Darcy McCallum         

Year 10-12 Co-ordinator


Sue Clay

Careers and Pathways
