From the Office

2026 Enrolments
School Tours are available Tues & Thurs at 9.15 am, please get in touch with the office on 9876-1249 to book.
Please select the attachment below for further instructions.
School Contacts
School Council Vice President - Sam Kupinic
Parents' Association President - Brooke McKenzie
Please get in touch with the following people via Compass or call 9876 1249
Principal - Bronwyn Garrity
Assistant Principal - Connie Bullen
Business Manager - Tracy Walsh
Office Manager - Elissa Daniel
Foundation Leader - Vanessa Allegretto
Y1/2 Leader - Jess Brincat
Y3/4 Leader - Carolyn Puckering
Y5/6 Leader - Juliana Munforte
Sports Coordinator - Stephanie Carbone
Performing Arts - Sarah Raftopoulos
Visual Arts - Linda Moore
Mandarin - Limei Bian
Canteen Manager - Megan Schaper
Bell Times
Daily Start & Finish Times |
8.45am Gates Open |
8.55am First Bell |
9.00am School Begins |
10.40am Recess Eating Time |
10.50 - 11.10am Recess Playtime |
12.50pm Lunch Eating Time |
1.00 - 1.50pm Lunch Playtime |
3.30pm School Ends |
School Saving Bonus Reminder & Support
Heading: School Saving Bonus reminder and support
The Victorian Government is delivering the School Saving Bonus (SSB) – a one-off support of $400 for eligible government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.
The SSB helps families cover the cost of uniforms, textbooks, excursions, activities and more.
Most families have now received their SSB code(s). I encourage you to take advantage of this government support.
To learn more about the SSB online system, download the step-by-step System guide for parents and carers (DOCX, 945KB) or watch this School Saving Bonus video. System guide translations are also available in 14 languages.
If you would like to use your bonus for school activities, you can allocate some or all of the bonus using the School Saving Bonus online system.
If you have only recently completed your enrolment into the Victorian government school system you can expect to receive your SSB code(s) in the coming weeks.
If you have transferred to our school from another Victorian government school, any remaining funds on your SSB code(s) will soon be available to use at our approved school suppliers. We request your patience as this change is processed.
The Department of Education has established a dedicated contact centre to support the SSB. The contact centre can be reached by: · completing the School Saving Bonus enquiry form
· calling 1800 338 663, between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm on weekdays.
Please select below link for instructions on how to navigate the SSB Portal.
Camps Sports & Excursions Fund 2025
The CSEF is an annual payment to the school to be used towards camps, sports and/or excursion expenses for the benefit of eligible students. Please see attached application form and eligibility criteria.
Foundation Students Primary School Nursing Program
Important Medical Information
Medication Form
If your child requires medication to be administered at school, please complete this attachment and bring the medication to the office.
If your child suffers from Asthma, please ensure you provide a plan, spacer and Ventolin.
It is now a requirement that school spacers are single-use only;because of this, we have purchased disposable spacers that come at an individual cost of $8. If your child requires Ventolin and medication and a spacer have not been provided, we will be required to charge parents/guardians $8. A note will be sent home on the day of use. We do not gain any profit from these products.
Please ensure the office has a current plan completed and signed by your physician within the last year and any medication required within the date.
Scholastic Book Club
Book Club brochures are sent home once per term. All Scholastic Book Club orders are to be completed online at