Student Awards

Aussie of the Month
Our Aussie of the Month for February is Emmeline T of 6I. Emmeline is a dedicated and valued member of our school community, consistently demonstrating our core values in all she does. She shows kindness to younger students, supports her peers, and is always willing to lend a hand to the staff at POPS. Well done, Emmeline, this recognition is truly well deserved!
Student of the Week Awards
Class | Student Name | For... |
FA | Tilly W | Thinking of interesting words for our letter of the week chart. |
FM | Hamish R | always willing to help clean up! |
1B | Aston V | His excellence in creating a fantastic story about a lost sea dragon. |
1D | Ren K | His excellent effort in writing a narrative. Great work Ren! |
2R | Hayley E | Your ’can do’ attitude when learning about hundreds, tens and ones. Keep it up superstar! |
3H | Layla C | Writing a very convincing and detailed persuasive piece on lasagne. Well done! |
3O | Harry C | Showing excellence in Maths and using his place value knowledge to rename numbers. |
4M | Fletcher B | Showing all of the school values and being a kind class member. Well done! |
4P | Zoe S | Her interesting persuasive writing about why movies are better than books. |
4/5G | Amelie D | Her great work with similes and metaphors Your ideas inspired us all. Keep it up. |
5M | Eva D | Her fantastic ideas during our ‘Melting Moments’ Science experiment. Well done! |
5/6M | Jake G | Sharing his passion and knowledge of geography with the class. |
6D | Ava I | Showing integrity and kindness to her classmates and being a fantastic role model. Well Done Ava. |
6I | Ivan B | Demonstrating focus in class and for choosing a learning space free from distractions. Keep it up Ivan! |
Art | Gracey W | Her fantastic ‘invisible’ lines artwork. |
PA | Grace S | Her fantastic teamwork skills and the creative ideas she shared with her group using rhythmic sticks for the song ‘Tideo’. Great work Grace! |
PE | Angus J | Showing excellent participation, cooperation, teamwork and sports-personship during the hockey clinic. |