From the Principal

27 February, 2025


Congratulations to Emmeline T (6I) for being named the Aussie of the Month for February! Emmeline is a dedicated and valued member of our school community, consistently demonstrating our core values in all she does. She shows kindness to younger students, supports her peers, and is always willing to lend a hand to the staff at POPS. Well done, Emmeline, this recognition is truly well deserved!


During the Aussie of the Month Assembly, badges were presented to our 2025 Student Representative Council members, Active Travel members, and year 3/4 Waste Warriors. These students delivered speeches explaining why they would be good representatives and uphold school values. Peers nominated who they thought would be the best representatives, with input from teachers. Congratulations to these students on their leadership roles:


School Representative Council

Zara M, Oscar M, Finn M, Livy G, Elijah S, Lottie B, Izzy L, Milla C, Grace S, Henry H, Zach V, Juilette D, Beau D


Active Travel Representatives

Josie W, Avie R, Darcy W, Ben N, Evie B, Ella C, Harvey T, Zahli C, Zach C, Sophie K, Harvey W


Waste Warriors

Emmerson R, Ben P, Sonny M, Liam C, Etta B, Emilie W

Waste Warriors
Student Representative Council
Active Travel
Waste Warriors
Student Representative Council
Active Travel


A big thank you to Mrs Di Gennaro for organising and supporting our Welcome Back Evening! It was wonderful to see so many families connecting and enjoying the event together.


A special shoutout to our Year 6 students, Luca, Charlie, Lucas, Juliette, Summer, Mia, Georgia and Lulu for their fantastic help with tattoos and hair spray, your enthusiasm added to the fun! We also appreciate the local football, cricket, netball, and basketball clubs for providing activities for our students.


This year, our goal is to strengthen connections between the school, our students, and the local community. Events like this help us build those valuable relationships, and we look forward to more opportunities to engage together.


The next PA event is next Tuesday's Pancake day.


Regular school attendance is vital for academic success and wellbeing. As schooling is compulsory for children aged 6 to 17 (unless exempt), every missed day affects learning, with absences accumulating over time and impacting future achievement.


This year, Mrs Debono, our Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader, and the school leadership team will monitor attendance. Families will be contacted if a student is frequently absent, late, or has unexplained absences to discuss support strategies.


We appreciate your partnership in fostering strong attendance habits. If you have any concerns, please reach out.


The school policy for attendanceis on the school website.


To read more about the impact of regular student absences on their long term outcomes please go to the Student Wellbeing page.


Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school operations or as permitted by law, in line with the Schools’ Privacy Policyand the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.


Our Photographing, Filming, and Recording Students Policy outlines how we collect and use student images, when parent consent is required, and how consent can be provided or withdrawn.


Next week, new families and students will receive information via Compass about consenting to the use of student images in the school newsletter, website, and other communications.


We also encourage parents to review our guidance on using Google Classroom safely. If you have any questions or concerns after reviewing it, please contact the school.


Ben X (56M)- School Values Award for demonstrating kindness and assisting a peer in the playground.


Go to the From the Classroom page to read about what has been happening in the Foundation classrooms.


Ms Garrity

Key Dates Week 5:

Monday March 3- Assembly- 9am/ Yr 6 Young Leader's Conference