Around the Classrooms

Prep C

What a fantastic start to the term we have had in Prep C!

It was so nice to see our friends after the two week break. We have been practicing playing with kind hands, kind feet and kind words and remembering our PBL values of respect, responsibility and resilience both in the classroom and on the playground. 

We have jumped straight back into learning in Literacy, writing all about our holidays and presenting our writing to the class. Our focus was on past tense verbs, remembering the regular verb patterns but also challenging ourselves to use some irregular past tense verbs in our writing as well. 

In Maths we have been practicing our addition and subtraction skills, through small group learning and games. We have also had fun beginning our learning on mass and using the language of heavy and light to describe different objects in the classroom. 

In Religion we are learning about how we can be disciples of Jesus and live in the light of Jesus. We read the parable of the Feeding of the 5000 this week and discussed ways we can share with those around us. We loved making connections from the scripture to our own lives. 

We are looking forward to learning about the seasons this term in our Inquiry unit as well as working with our buddies and joining in the fun at the St Andrews Fun Fair later this month!


Holly Capomolla - Prep C teacher