Dates to Remember 

   2024 Closure Days & Pupil Free Days 

  • Monday 4th November - (Staff Time in Lieu  - All Schools) 
  • Friday 22nd November - Closure Day (3 Hours First Aid & Data Analysis) 

Dates for Your Diary 

Term 4

Mon 7Term 4 commenced                                                        
Thur 10Anointing of the Sick Mass - All Year 5/6s
Tues 15Beachside Athletics
Wed 16

Reflection Day & visit from Bishop Tony Ireland - Confirmation candidates

Prep 2025 Information Evening

Fri 18

School Assembly 9am

Sacrament of Confirmation Mass at 5pm

Sat 19Term 4 Working Bee 8.30am
Fri 25P&F Ladies Dinner
Sat 26St. Andrew's Parish Fun Fair 
Tue 29St. Andrew's Got Talent
Wed 30Prep 2025 Transition Day 1
Mon 4School Closure Day                                                                                                           
Tues 5Melbourne Cup Day - Public holiday
Wed 6Prep 2025 Transition Day 2
Fri 8Girls Southern Metro Region Volleyball Finals
Mon 11Boys Southern Metro Region Volleyball Finals
Fri 15Prep 2025 Transition Day 3
Sat 16Vision Portraits
Thur 21Prep 2025 Transition Day 4
Fri 22School Closure Day
Tues 26St. Andrew's Feast Day Mass

2024 Term Dates 

Term 3Monday 15th July - Friday 20th September
Term 4

Monday 7th October - Wednesday 18th December 

                                            Final student date of attendance to be confirmed

                                            Friday 20th December - Staff conclude