VCE VM update

Creating Futures Together

VCE VM update: Chesterfield Farm


Please enjoy our VCE VM update where our students have optimised their abilities to connect with the local and broader community, embracing applied learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom.




11VM Chesterfield Farm Work Experience

Andre, Luca, Jack, Jono, Harvey, Tate, Xavier, Anthony, Mr Malcolm, Mr Raulin and Mr Woods went on the bus to Chesterfield field on Monday 24/06/2024 to learn what its like to be a farmer and to work with animals. Thanks to Mr Raulin and Mr Woods for driving the bus and to Chesterfield Farm for teaching us.


Andre:  We learnt about how much milk a cow can hold and that the record for milking is 120 litres in 24 hours


Luca:  We learnt how you can’t drink raw cows milk because it can cause poisoning


Jack:  Highlights were milking the cows and going around to feed all the animals because we got to see how some of the different animals had to eat different foods


Jono:  It was good because we got to learn how to take care of different animals and what they need and what’s required to keep their pens clean. It was work experience so we know whether or not we want to go into that field of work


Harvey: We had learnt that raw milk can carry dangerous germs such as salmonella and other types of pathogens and that's why it needs to be boiled before consumption.  A highlight at the Chesterfield Farm trip is when the camel had got spooked by the birds and ran away and one of the camels had slipped over. It was good because we got to see heaps of cute animals and got to experience what it's like to be on a farm, and work on a farm


Tate: I liked the animals. The birds and the guinea pigs were ok. I learnt that it’s hard to look after so many animals in the same place and it was nice to ride the tractor


Xavier:  We learnt how to drench sheep by holding their heads and putting medicine in their mouth. It was fun and we got life skills for on the farm


Anthony:  We learnt that having milk straight from the cow can make you sick. I liked feeding the camels because they looked funny when they were eating. It was good because it was fun to get out and do stuff and we learnt about farming.


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