H&PE – METEC Excursion
Year 10 students in All About Health recently went on an excursion to METEC – a driving training organisation. During the excursion, the students rotated between learning about how to be safe on the roads and driving under the guidance of instructors. Students found this to be a valuable resource and mentioned that they all felt more confident to start driving when they got their L’s.
“Hello to all reading the UHS newsletter!! If you ever have the opportunity to send your child to the METEC driving excursion, I highly recommend it! It's a big learning experience and a great learning activity, plus a fun day out with your friends learning to do an everyday skill! You don't have to be the best, but it's always good to try, and learn! This excursion was so well run, and I recommend that all students who take All About Health go on this excursion!”
“It was helpful to understand the mechanics of the car before taking my L's and it encouraged me to never get in a car with certain people in our class!”
“The driving excursion was really helpful and knowledgeable. It was also very fun and exciting. My instructor, Cameron, was really nice, I think because we were really good at driving! Overall, it was a really good experience, and I would definitely recommend this for future Year 10's to choose All About Health!!”
“The METEC driving excursion was an eye-opening experience where I was able to drive underage! The centre had fake roads, so I was able to hop into the driving seat of a car for the first time in my life with no worry of crashing! Of course, I was a tad nervous, but I just thought this a once in a lifetime experience with a kind and helpful instructor so I might as well just give it my all!!!' Our teacher Cameron was supportive through the entire process and made driving much less scary... I am in great anticipation of my L's and I am very confident because of our new and profound knowledge of road rules and the basics of driving. The day started with our long bus ride to METEC in Bayswater. I was shaking with excitement and when we arrived at the centre I nearly exploded! We were put into groups and throughout the day we had two chances to drive. In between we learnt about road rules! In groups of three we took turns to drive around the facility. We learnt awesome skills such as U turns and weaving through cones. This excursion was so insightful, and I would recommend students to take All About Health” Opal
“The METEC excursion was an amazing experience that really boosted my confidence in driving and provided important insights in that area!”
Kelsey Reade - Health & PE Teacher