Sustainability - Semester 2
The last few weeks have been very busy for the St Joseph’s Green Team.
The sustainable gifts made by the Environment Leaders were a big hit for the Father’s Day stall. I hope that the snow peas have found happy homes. Well done to all of the students who contributed to these sustainable gifts, which align with our school goal of reducing our use of plastic.
Well done to 5C who won Joey in Week 7. They should be proud of their great efforts to recycle and use the bins correctly!
Our Environment Leaders from P-6 met to complete a bin audit. We found plastic and coffee cups in our Green bins, there were soft plastics in some of our yellow bins and some full black bin bags in the yellow bin. There has been a big improvement in the classrooms, but we need to keep trying to get our bins used correctly moving forward.
The Environment Leaders have also started to design bird houses. We illustrated our designs selecting bright colors, and some students included indigenous inspired designs. Our senior Environment Leaders will work with Mrs Doran to construct and paint the bird houses using their designs.
Our Year 4 Environment Leaders are going to assist in researching and planning our next crop of veggies as we prepare for our Spring and Summer veggie garden. A massive shout out to our amazing Garden Club crew; thank you for keeping our veggies growing so well, and for planting new bedding in our school planters. There has been such amazing leadership and hard work from Morgan, Evie, Layla, Zoe M, Zoe G, Charlotte, Maddie, Lilly, Lydia and Mira in our recess garden club. Keep it up.
Mrs Doran
Sustainability Leader