Principal & Deputy News
Open Learning Sessions
Dear Families,
Parents and families play an important role in supporting their child's education. Research has shown that when schools and families work together, children do better, stay in school longer, are more engaged with their school work, go to school more regularly, behave better, and have better social skills.
Wow - what a turn out! It was so wonderful to spend time in the classrooms during the 'Open Learning' sessions last Friday. We cannot thank our parents enough for their commitment to these events and their investment in their child's journey at St Joseph's. The buzz across the school was incredible and it was absolutely delightful to see our classrooms full of families. It was clear to us all that the students were so incredibly proud of their achievements and this was certainly reflected in the interactions that occurred. From digital samples, to book works and sharing activities on the floor, the children didn't waste this precious opportunity with their parents or grandparents.
We thank the staff for their efforts in preparing the children for this occasion. Many staff commented to us on how proud they were of their students - witnessing their growth across the term and listening to the students confidently share their work with their parents. As teachers, nothing makes us happier than seeing our students achieve great things!
The positive feedback from our families through numerous emails and exchanges on the gate, affirms the collective efforts of these occasions. In addition, the response from our families reinforces to the children, the value you place on their learning and school.
Year 5 and 6 Shark Tank
A particular highlight for our Year 5 and 6 students was being able to present their business proposals to the panel of judges, otherwise known as, 'Shark Tank'. Our students have worked on these proposals all term, conducting market research, business canvas models, prototypes and marketing pitches. It has been an extraordinary term of learning for these students, and we could not be more proud.
Many parents commented on the exceptional quality of the stalls that were on display at the Open Learning session, and our Year 3 and 4 students are eagerly awaiting their turn in the Senior School, so they too can give the Shark Tank a go.
We send a very big congratulations to the staff who facilitated this opportunity to the students - Miss Shanahan, Miss Coldebella, Mr Cody, Miss Dusting and Mr Hartney, and to the judges who formed the panel - Maree Paris, Chris Georgiou, Poppy Griffiths, Mr Hartney, Mrs Harrison, MJ Daffy and Hamish Davidson (ex-parent).
Congratulations to Gabe Sheahan (Learning Diversity Leader), our teachers, and wonderful LSOs for their exceptional effort and commitment in developing, evaluating, and presenting the Personalised Learning Plans for our students. The positive feedback from parents has been outstanding, recognising the care and dedication invested in this process. We also extend our gratitude to our parents for their partnership and advocacy as we continue to build on these achievements in Term 4.
Year 4 Orrong Road Kinder Visits
Thank you to both Year 4 classes for conducting another successful term of visits with Orrong Road Kindergarten. Fostering and maintaining this connection is vital to our Prep transition program and, from all reports, the students were exceptional. It was a trip down memory lane for some of our students, as they were able to return to the kinder that they attended not so long ago. Thank you to Miss Wilkinson and Miss Crawley for working with the Orrong Road educators to provide these special experiences for everyone involved.
Years 3-6 Swimming Program
Well done to our Year 3s, 4s, 5s and 6s for successfully completing their swimming program! We are delighted with our new program at the Danny Frawley Swim Centre. It has been a fabulous two weeks, with lots of happy memories made. Our Year 1s and 2s are scheduled for their swimming program in Term 4, Weeks 9 and 10.
Footy Colours Day
The good times just keep on coming, with the highly successful Footy Day held today. Thank you to the Year 6 student leaders for coordinating the day, all the students had such a lovely day.
A special mention to Rafi, Oscar L, Andreas, Luke, Connor and Harrison for running a very entertaining 'footy song' assembly this morning and to Sam Gilbert for coming in to run a footy clinic for our Preppies. Thank you to Brendan, Neave, Maggie, Lachie, Ned and Leo for planning and running a variety of indoor and outdoor activities for our students today.
Year 6 Ethical Olympiad
Congratulations to our incredible ethical debaters - Flossie, Harrison, Liza, Sofia and Olivia. After a very mentally stimulating day of ethical debating, our team came 6th out of the 20 schools to compete. They were also awarded an honourable mention for their efforts. The students took part in three debates across the day via zoom against schools located around Australia, debating issues such as lying, leadership, friendship and needs versus wants.
Classes - 2025
Early in Term 4, the teachers will start organising the classes for next year. This is a highly structured process, reviewing the academic, emotional, social and behavioural needs of all students, to determine the most effective class dynamic.
To support this process, teachers will ask children to name friends they will work well with for the following year. Students will also be reminded to consider friends from the other class in this process. The aim being for each child to have one (1) nominated friend in their class next year. Teachers work closely with School Leadership to arrange these classes, with the final decision resting with the Principal.
We know our families trust the professionalism of staff to meet the needs of all students, and we remind parents to direct specific 'educational' requests to the Principal only (not classroom teacher). Your understanding and support with this is appreciated.
Grandparents & Special Friends
We are delighted to once again host our traditional Grandparents' Day! This day is always such a highlight for our community.
The schedule will be as follows:
9:15am Gates open for arrival
9:45am Assembly hosted by our Year 5 students (inside)
10:15am Students and grandparents can tour the classrooms and school, with morning tea served outside
11:15am Morning tea concludes
Please RSVP to the Grandparents' Day on Operoo for catering purposes.
Working Bee
We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible for our Working Bee on Saturday 5th October (the weekend before school resumes for Term 4). Main jobs will be tidying the grounds in preparation for school, sanding the veggie planter boxes for painting, and sanding and oiling the wooden bench seats on the front playground. Please RSVP via this form.
P&F Tea Towel Fundraiser
The Parents & Friends are running a tea towel fundraiser featuring your children’s artwork. These will make lovely end-of-year mementos or gifts for family and friends, and the funds raised will contribute to much needed equipment for your children.
Please look out for the Operoo, which was sent out yesterday for further details and how to place your order. Orders must be placed by 16 October 2024.
Term 3 Achievements - we have been busy!
Completing our building project (yay!)
Year 5 and 6 Mini Boss incursion
Year 3 and 4 excursion to NGV
P-2 Personal History parent presentations
Year 6 Mixed AFL competition
Year 5 and 6 Southside Girls AFL competition
Celebrating the Paris Olympics and Paralympics
Year 4 Orrong Road Kinder visits
100 Days of Prep
Maths Olympiad
ACU Student teachers in Prep A, Prep M and Year 5D
Year 5 and 6 Hoop Time
Year 3 visiting Victoria by the Park
Year 4 and 5 attending the Shelford production of 'Matilda JR'
Years 5 and 6 participating in Tournament of the Minds
Celebrating the Feast of the Assumption
Opening the new Library
The formal Opening and Blessing of our New Building
Book Week, 'Reading is Magic'
Father's Day stall, breakfast and special assembly
St Joseph's Family Footy Classic
Year 3 Zoo Snooze
Year 6 Sacrament of Confirmation
P&F and School Advisory Council meetings
Year 6 Ethical Olympiad competition
Whole school Open Learning Session
Years 3-6 Swimming Program
Footy Colours Day
Term 4 School Uniform
We will have a two week grace period at the start of Term 4, to allow the students to transition into their full summer uniform. There are strictly no variations to the school uniform e.g. non-school hat, alternative sock colours, sneakers. School hats and sunscreen must be worn from day one and "no hat, no play" will apply. Sunscreen must be applied before school, and students are to re-apply before lunch every day.
Our new blue shirts and navy culottes are on track to be delivered to Nicholls Uniform in November. We will keep our families updated in Term 4.
HOLT Athletics Competition
We wish the 65 students who are off to the HOLT Athletics Competition on Monday 7th October, the very best of luck! After inclement weather postponed the first event, we are thrilled that we can field such a strong team.
Key Dates
We are populating our Key Dates page with important dates for the remainder of 2024 and into 2025. Please ensure you are subscribed to our parent calendar, so all these dates are instantly added to your diary.
Term 4 Assemblies
Week | Item |
Week 1 | No Assembly - Junior School excursion |
Week 2 | Grandparents' Day Assembly: Year Five |
Week 3 | Italian Day Assembly: Year 6 Leaders |
Week 4 | No Assembly: All Saints Day Mass @ 10am |
Week 5 | Year 1J |
Week 6 | Year 2L and 2N |
Week 7 | No Assembly - School Fete preparation |
Week 8 | School Closure Day |
Week 9 | Year 4W |
Week 10 | Prep Nativity Story |
Week 11 | Year 6 Final Assembly for 2024 |
St Joseph's Got Talent
The excitement was palpable as we announced the 'St Joseph's Got Talent' Competition in the lead up to the fete. If students wish to participate, they may do so individually or in small groups of up to 6. The finals will be held on the big stage at the School Fete on Saturday 23rd November. Good luck to all our students!
Little Gems
As well as playing for the U12 Vampires 1st team this season, Andreas (Year 6) was invited to train with, and then was selected in, the St Kilda U12 Academy Team. This team is picked from all U12 Boys teams across the Southern Metro Football League! As part of this representative team, Andreas attended a number of high-performance sessions run by St Kilda coaches. Last week, they played in a mini-tournament, which they went on to win undefeated! Andreas played extremely well across the ground in multiple positions, and even kicked a beautiful goal on the run... Great work, Andreas!
Harriet, Charlotte, Zoe, Zoe and Lily pitched their ideas for Garden Club to Mrs Harrison and I last week. Student voice in action!
Ines (Year 3) proudly showing off her soccer medal to her peers.
Every Monday morning the atrium is abuzz with the very popular Karate classes, run by All Stars Martial Arts Academy. This week the Preps and Year 1 participants were the stars of the show, celebrating their hard work and progress during the in-class gradings. They all did an amazing job!
Congratulations are also due to all the 7 year olds and above who attended the recent Grading Day, some outstanding results were achieved. Well done to all!
In our latest episode of, 'teachers dressing as twins', Miss Lougheed and Miss Nelligan turned up at the footy classic in the same outfit.
And finally...
This is our final newsletter for Term 3. We want to take this opportunity to thank the entire St Joseph's community for what has been an incredibly successful term. The efforts of our students, staff and parents have been remarkable, and you have all given us so much to celebrate.
Have a wonderful break, see you all on Monday 7th October.
Claire Tobin (Principal), Tom Hartney and Alannah Harrison (Deputy Principals)