Student Leadership Day

Boroondara Youth Leadership Day 2024
In the 2nd last week of term 3, the Grade 5’s went on an excursion to Youth Leadership Day 2024, we met the mayor of Boroondara Lisa Hollingsworth and she welcomed us all. There were about 8 different schools and we got split up into groups of 3 and one group of 2. We got chosen to go in the Chandelier Room with students from Greythorn and Sacred Heart.
We played a game where we had to step out of our comfort zone and meet other people from different schools. The purpose of this was to make new friends from different schools.
We later did a work activity where we had to write our responsibilities and where we showed where we do things after school, at home, and before school. After that we did an activity where we played blind trains, an activity that helped us with our communication skills. We weren't allowed to talk so we had to communicate by pinching each other's shoulder and it would go on like a chain until it got to the leader at the front who steered us to the goal so we didn’t crash into any other trains. Later, we did another game where there was a statement about increasing our responsibility in specific areas. We had to go to ‘ready’, ‘not ready’ or ‘I might give it a go’.
We did an activity where we had to identify if certain things were the responsibility of Local, Federal or State. We did a partner activity where we had to find someone from another school, pair up with them and draw the traits of a leader. Then at 12.30pm we had lunch. We went outside to eat and there was a giant Jenga and Connect 4. After lunch we played bingo where there were leadership traits and we had to pick a number and put them in the box and tick them off if they got called out to see who wins first. Good job to Leonardo for coming second!
Overall we think the day was an amazing experience for the year 5’s and it was a great opportunity to learn about leadership and teamwork.
Bella C., Carsten C. & Leonardo C. (Year 5/6 SRC Representatives)