Level 3: Connect
Claire Parsons, Amanda Stanford/Eileen Thompson, Johanna Fitness / Lizzie Parmar
Level 3: Connect
Claire Parsons, Amanda Stanford/Eileen Thompson, Johanna Fitness / Lizzie Parmar
Hello Level 3 Families,
It's already the end of Term 3! It's hard to believe we've only got a few months left of this year. What a busy term we have had... everybody deserves a relaxing break.
What can you do at home over the holidays
Reading - keep reading every afternoon or night. We are focusing on narrative writing next term, so books with good plots and rich vocabulary would be very helpful. Below are some links to websites that have listed some age appropriate books.
Spelling - review some of this term's spelling words
As always, you will find some fabulous maths games at https://www.lovemaths.me/operations-36
Most importantly - relax and recuperate after a busy term of learning
Information Report writing has finished with some wonderful writing about the students' chosen ERP countries and celebrations. We look forward to re-visiting narrative writing next term. In Reading, we will continue to focus on comprehension strategies such as finding literal information in texts and inferring using clues from the text. We will also look at visualisation as a strategy to better understand the text and its features.
We've been busy collecting data this last fortnight and sorting it into tables and graphs. There has been lots of rich discussion around suitable titles, labels and questions to ask. For the first two weeks of Term 4, we will be learning about money.
Social Emotional Learning (S.E.L.)
In Grade 3, we have been using the "Zones of Regulation" during our Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons to help us understand and manage our feelings. Each zone is like a different colour: blue for when we feel sad or tired, green for when we feel calm and ready to learn, yellow for when we feel excited or frustrated, and red for when we feel angry or out of control. By recognising which zone we are in, we can use strategies to help us stay in control, like taking deep breaths or asking for a break. This helps us take charge of our learning, make strong choices in class, and have positive interactions with our classmates. The Zones of Regulation will continue to be a major focus in classroom discussions next term.
Earth Science has been fascinating this term. We wrapped it all up with a focus on why seasons occur. Students learnt that 'In Summer, Australia is tilted towards the sun which means we get more direct light!'. We look forward to Chemical Science next term.
Inquiry / ERP
This week, students showcased their Countries and Celebrations ERP presentations that they’ve been working towards all term. They really went above and beyond, showing great enthusiasm and confidence in sharing what they learned. A big thank you to all the parents who came to support their child in the classroom—it made a lasting impression on everyone. Great job, students!
AFL Footy Road Show Visit + Footy Colours Day
On Monday, we had an exciting visit from the AFL Footy Road Show! The weather was kind, and everyone was eager to practice their footy skills. It was fantastic to see even the students who had never kicked a football before giving it a try. Everyone had a lot of fun learning and playing together!
Footy colours day was a lot of fun. The day began with a team parade with lots of cheering and good sportsmanship. The longest kick came to a wet end (5 minutes in) as we all got caught in a heavy downpour on the oval.. thanks Melbourne weather!
We hope everybody has a wonderful break,
The Level 3 Team