Level 2: Connect

The Year 2 team would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our parents for your ongoing help and support throughout this term. Your partnership has truly enhanced our students' learning experiences and encouraged their enthusiasm for education. We wish you a happy, restful holiday and look forward to seeing you next term.
School finishes at 2.30 pm on Friday 20 September.
Congratulations to Alan for being a terrific kid! What a fantastic effort—well done!
Next term our students will continue to consolidate their ability to use the various strategies that they have been learning when writing a persuasive writing. Students have learnt how to develop strong arguments and express their ideas creatively. One of the most exciting topics they've tackled is making a case for why they should have a variety of pets, from foxes to monkeys! Through this exercise, your child has honed their reasoning skills, coming up with imaginative and thoughtful reasons to support their arguments. You may soon find yourself faced with some convincing points on why your home would be the perfect place for some very unusual pets!
Next term, students will begin exploring the purpose and benefits of reading non-fiction texts. Non-fiction offers numerous advantages for young learners, such as expanding their background knowledge and vocabulary—key components for developing strong reading comprehension skills. By becoming familiar with real-world terms and topics, students will be better prepared to engage with more complex texts as they progress. Non-fiction also helps children make meaningful connections to their own experiences, further enriching their interests and deepening their understanding of the world around them.
There are lots of interesting non-fiction texts that student can read on 'Wushka.' If students would prefer a hard copy non-fiction text they can borrow one from the classroom for the holidays.
Understanding morphology is key to helping children learn to spell. Morphology focuses on the structure of words, including root words, prefixes, and suffixes, which can provide clues to meaning and spelling. By learning how words are built, children can improve their ability to spell more accurately and understand the meaning of unfamiliar words. This foundational skill strengthens their overall literacy and boosts confidence in writing.
The spelling pattern we are focusing on is:
Our Year 2 students will continue to consolidate their learning and understanding of multiplication and division. Practising counting and understanding the basics of multiplication are essential skills for Year 2 students. Counting helps build a strong foundation in number sense, while learning multiplication introduces them to repeated addition, making it easier to solve problems efficiently. These early maths skills are crucial for developing confidence and preparing students for more complex concepts in the future. Regular practice will support their overall mathematical growth and understanding. We encourage students to know how to count in 2's, 5's and 10's fluently forwards and backwards.
Student's in Action
Year 2 had some fantastic experiences during the science incursion. You can see how focused and engaged the students were by looking at the pictures. It was a great event!