Level 1: Connect

Well here we are at the end of Term 3! We have loved seeing the growth in students this term- both academically and socially. It is such a pleasure to be teaching Level 1. We hope you have a tip top break and we can't wait to see everyone back in Term 4!
Final day of Term 3 is Friday, September 20th. Early dismissal at 2:30pm.
Students have continued enjoying consolidating previously learnt skills like part-part-whole, ordering, and place value during WIN time. Students have learnt about equal sharing and grouping, using skip counting to find how many groups and how many in each group. This week students are learning to use ordinal numbers to identify position.
Students showcased their narrative writing skills over the fortnight. They have been consolidating their learning about nouns, verbs, adjectives, writing quality sentences, and narrative structure. Following mentor texts were used to guide their learning -
We made chickens!! You can blame Wilko for that lovely chicken 'toy' that your child/ren came home with. So much fun to end our term of Science with.
Market Day
AFL Roadshow
Thank you for all your support this term.
We hope you have a relaxing term break!
Year 1 Team
Suzanne, Anthony, Leon, Nishtha