Principals Report

Dear SEPS Families,
It is hard to believe that the Spring break is upon us and another term is over. Term 3 always feels like the busiest term for events, and this year is no exception.
Market Day
I would like to congratulate our Year 6 teachers, students and families on the organisation and planning of a very successful Market Day. Staff felt that this was one of the best Market Days we have had, commenting on the calm vibe and joy that was observed around the school. Traditions like Market Day are part of the fabric that makes Sandy East PS so special. Our younger students were still talking about it at assembly on Monday. Market Day is more than just a fun day at SEPS. It is the culmination of months of curriculum studies in Yr 6 Civics and Economics. The Year 6 students did an amazing job and I am sure that the skills that they have acquired during Term 3 will carry them well into their Secondary school studi
Book Fair
A big thank you to Linda, our Library Technician for her organisation of our Book Fair this year. Thank you also to all the volunteers who helped during the Book Fair during the week. A very special thank you to Katie Tukker for organising the roster along with all the other work that SEPS Social had in place across the course of the week. A big shout out also to our wonderful Office staff for all their assistance during one of the busiest weeks on the calendar. Please find more information later in this newsletter.
Write A Book In A Day
On Wednesday I had the absolute pleasure of working with an amazing group of talented writers and illustrators from Grades 5 & 6. The students were placed in three teams and arrived at school at 7:45 am ready to start the challenge of writing a book in a day. They were given a list of 5 words and 5 themes that had to be included in their book. We had a strict schedule to follow with planning beginning at 8 am. Given that the best authors in the world take months, if not years, to produce a piece of work, this was a mammoth task. I am so proud of the way they collaborated to produce such quality writing and illustrations. A huge thank you to Josie Ford (Evie’s mum) for her time and expertise in supporting students to collate the illustrations and bring the finished pieces together at the end of a very long day. We finished at 8 pm with the final work having to be registered by 9 pm. A big thank you also to Ms Fraser and Ms Stainforth for working on this project all day with our students and to Mrs Gau for her coordination of the event (and for picking up dinner for everyone). A big thanks also to Mr Daley for tag teaming with me after school so that I could get to another event. Our authors raised over $3500 for childhood cancer and are hoping to get to $4000 when the fundraiser closes on Sept 30. We look forward to having copies of all three books available in our library. It was such a great day and made me really miss my time as a classroom teacher!
Term 4
I look forward to attending camp with Year 5 when we return first week back next term. Off the top of my head, Term 4 brings the SEPS Art show, school disco, Dad’s camp, transition programs for Prep & Year 6, the Colour Run, and Year 6 Graduation… to name a few. There are plenty of other events occurring so please keep an eye on the newsletter and Connect to ensure that you don’t miss a thing. We are going to need to relax and reenergise during the Spring break so that we power through the final term and enjoy every moment.
Have a safe and happy holiday!
Jane Briffa