Year Three Team News

with Katja, Carmel, Rochelle & Mary

Hello Year Three families,   

We are approaching the end of term 3 and there are some fun events happening for our Year 3 students.


Upcoming Events:

Sun Theatre

On Thursday 19th September the Grade 3's will travel by train to the Sun Theatre to watch the movie 'Runt'. This is linked to the class novel study we have been reading in Terms 2 and 3. Students will then compare the novel to the movie when they return. 

Please see your class teacher if you can join us. Please make sure you have completed the Volunteer Registration and Induction form once confirmed. 


School Disco

On the evening of Thursday 19th September will be the W.P.S school disco! The night is a chance for our Willy Kids to spend time with their friends socialising, singing and dancing. The senior disco will start at 7:30pm and finish at 9pm. Students are to bring their disco ticket on the night to go into the raffle to win a voucher from the Sun Theatre. We also ask that students bring a labelled drink bottle as the hall can get quite warm once all the students are dancing.

*Both events are on Compass for consent and payment. Thank you if you have already done so.

A busy Term 3 will conclude with our traditional Willy Primary Footy Day, on the last day of term. Students will be able to come to school dressed in the favourite footy/sports team clothes or colours. Some of our Year 3 students will participate in the Footy/Netball tournaments, organised by the Year 5/6 students, and supported by their classmates.


Term 4 Zoo Snooze Dates:

A reminder of the Zoo Snooze dates in Term 4. The students will be dropped off at the Melbourne Zoo in the evening and spend the following day there, returning to school by bus. More details will follow as we get closer to the date. Please put the following dates into your calendar for this very special event:

  • Monday – 2nd December – 3B
  • Tuesday – 3rd December – 3W
  • Wednesday – 4th December – 3M


Fortnightly Curriculum Focus:

Reading: Reading over our research notes for our Inquiry project on making a sustainable house.

Writing: We are publishing our poetry book. 

Numeracy: Time: Investigate the relationship between units of time. Telling time on an analogue clock and using the terms ‘past’ and ‘to’. Understanding what direction is clockwise and anti-clockwise. Telling the time to 5-minute intervals. Revision.


Inquiry: What does living sustainably look like in our local community? Using researched information, students will design a sustainable house. They will be able to present their design on a detailed poster or a 3D model.



Literacy:  15-20 minutes of reading daily. Record on table on homework sheet. 10 minutes of spelling practice related to the SMART spelling focus and their personal words.

Numeracy: - 10 minutes of revision focusing on concepts taught at school. Practice times tables.



Warm regards, 

The Year 3 team – Katja Morris (3M), Carmel Byrne (3D), Rochelle White and Mary Colangelo (3W).