CSPS Wellbeing/Respectful Relationships Week

This year we ran our Wellbeing/Respectful Relationships Week during the 2024 ‘Bullying No Way National Week of Action’. The theme this year was ‘Everyone Belongs’. 

As highlighted by the Bullying No Way Team, when everyone feels like they belong, bullying struggles to find a place. Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying.


To create a positive sense of belonging we:

Challenge Stereotypes: that means we don’t judge people first; we get to know them.

We Promote Empathy: that means we treat people the way we like to be treated.

We Embrace Diversity: that means we celebrate different backgrounds, interests and identities.

We Foster Positive Relationships: that means we accept and respect people for who they are and finally we,

Provide Support: which means we know who we can turn to for help.


Throughout the week, students completed a Gratitude Journal and participated in activities that focused on belonging and bullying prevention. The JSC ran some lunchtime activities that promoted teamwork and social cohesion as well as running a Poster Competition. It was really pleasing to see students from different year levels building positive relationships.


Student Voice: Student voice is highly valued at CSPS. The JSC members enjoyed coming up with fun and engaging activities for students across the school. They also reflected on and provided feedback around the level of engagement and the success of program. The students then came up with some great suggestions to improve the program for next year.

The Year 5 and 6 students also attended an incursion with a focus on resilience, empathy, inclusion, respect and connectedness. Our presenter, Mading Amech spoke to the students about his experiences, with his insights and journey providing valuable lessons and inspiration for all.


Year 5 & 6 Students with Mading Amech
Year 5 & 6 Students with Mading Amech


Thank you to all the students who participated in the Poster Competition. Winners will be announced at the final assembly.


Thank you Miss Wakeling for your work with the JSC, Miss Spitzer for designing our Gratitude Journal, Jessica Ryan our Social Worker and Elizabeth Sadler our ES Leader for all your help with the activities. Last but not least, thank you to our amazing JSC members for your enthusiasm and commitment.


Making origami peace cranes. (Emily and Justin 4A)
Making origami peace cranes. (Emily and Justin 4A)
Parachute Games
Group Art Activities
Group Art Activities
Team Building Games & Activities
Parachute Games
Group Art Activities
Group Art Activities
Team Building Games & Activities


JSC Members reflecting on the activities that were organised and made suggestions for next year.


Labreni Pappas

Visual Arts Teacher &

Wellbeing/RR&RR Leader