5/6 J's Third Quarter Update!

Book Week
Last week we celebrated Book Week which consisted of a Lamont book fair, book week parade and some book week activities. This was the second year that we’ve had the Lamont book fair and it was very successful with the school making lots of money for our Library. The SJV community had amazing costumes and creative props to go with their costumes. The parade was a BLAST, with unique costumes and lots of students and teachers dressing up as Harry Potter characters. We really enjoyed seeing people putting lots of creativity in their beautiful costumes. Our class celebrated book week by completing various activities. We read the book 'That Bird Has Arms' by Jol Temple and Kate Temple, and then drew some birds and stuck arms on them. We also made posters using AI on Canva. Adam Wallace also came to our school and talked about his experience in writing books and taught us how to draw a turtle. Thanks to Ms. Laming and to our year six leaders, Book Week 2024 was a HUGE SUCCESS and we are so happy that we had this extraordinary opportunity.
By Angelynn, Scarlett & Tabatha
Kinder Visits
One of the best experiences we had this term was visiting the 4-year old pre-school children, at Wellington Pre-school on Shaftsbury Drive, Mulgrave. We supported these adorable children during their play based activities by encouraging them to take turns, using manners and being responsible. We played with building blocks, toys, and Play Doh. During the final visit, we presented a slideshow to the children on what to expect when starting primary school. We had so much fun, made new friends and really enjoyed this experience.
By Noura & Maxwell
Potato Olympics
This term, we had our exciting Potato Olympics event where we used potatoes to play various maths games to score points. These games included bowling, a relay, diving and hill roll. In bowling, we had to roll our potato to hit the pins. This was our favourite activity. In the relay, we had to grab our potatoes with tongs and run around a loop and pass it to the next person in the fastest time. In diving, we had to drop our potatoes in a bucket of water from 30cm (300mm) and splash the least amount of water. The last activity we did was hill roll. In this activity, we rolled our potatoes down some hockey sticks and onto the floor and measured our distance. The skills that we used included estimating, measuring, converting and teamwork. Thank you to Ms May for organising this event, ee really enjoyed the Potato Olympics!
By Aiden, Matthew & Steven
This term, we have been completing formal homework to help us prepare for secondary school by being organised and meeting deadlines. Since week three, we've been completing homework based on our literacy and numeracy learning in the classroom. This has included a Gold Rush diary entry, designing an Olympic flag for the Refugee team, interviewing an immigrant, and writing a biography. We can appreciate the benefits of completing homework and meeting deadlines with the help of our parents.
By Thot, Thisath & Tommy
During Religion this term we learnt about parables by rotating to each 5/6 class to learn a new parable each week. A parable is a short story that Jesus told to make people think about how to behave and how not to behave. Our favourite parable was the Parable of The Lamp with Miss O’Halloran. After learning about this parable we got a piece of paper, wrote our name, decorated it and sat on the floor. On the floor, we passed around our names and wrote nice and thoughtful things about each person. It was such a nice and thoughtful activity because we got to shine a lamp on everybody and celebrate their uniqueness.
By Paris & Destiny
SJV Feast Day
This term we celebrated the feast of St John Vianney on the 5th of August. Our highlight of the day was doing the Olympic- themed Kaboom sports. During Kaboom, we played various games in multi-level groups and pretended we were competing as different countries in the Olympics. Thank you to Mr Rooney for organising this event. The 5/6's also created a collaborative art piece consisting of lots of small images of St John Vianney which was presented in a pop art style. We used different art mediums like crayons, textas, pencils and posca pens. We cut each image in half and paired it with someone else’s image. Make sure you check it out next time you visit! It was a really fun day with everyone celebrating St. John Vianney and his life.
By Hannah, Liam & Isabelle