Busy Butterflies in 1/2B

We have been busy learning butterflies in 1/2B this term. Check out some of the fun things we have been doing over the last few weeks.
In Religion we have been learning about and admiring God's wonderful world he created. Through this we have discussed how we can best look after the world we have been given and what our role is in caring for creation.
In Maths we have been learning about Mass. We started out by hefting objects to see what is heavier and lighter. Then we used on to using balance scale to compare the mass (weight) of 3 objects. Finally we used an informal unit to measure the mass of different classroom objects.
In Literacy and Inquiry, we have been learning about the Past and Present. We have done this by comparing what things were like in the past and how that has changed or stayed the same today. The topics we have explored are Transport, School, Technology, Toys and Games.
As part of this unit each child was asked to bring in an Artefact from home to deliver a short presentation about. Here are our artifacts and a little statement about each one.
Malia - My artifact has travelled with me to 17 different countries.
Hunter - The dutch clogs come from the Netherlands and I got them from the Tesslaar Tulip Festival.
Ryan - The watch is really old and has sentimental value to my dad.
Lexi - My artifact is my Nana’s and she got it from an Indian toy shop.
Cristian - This boat was my Nonno, now it's my dads and in the future it will be mine.
Kiara - My artifact is special to my mum because it was her first music bag. One day I will get to use the bag like my mum did.
Kayden - My ball is very bouncy.
Cody - My artifact is special to me because my family loves me.
Levin - The car was my grandpa’s and now it's mine, and it's still in good condition.
Emma - The cross was given to my dad in 1988 when he was an altar boy at St Joseph's Church.
Dominic - Me and my big brother love playing with it.
Justin - These special photos are from when I was 2 on my last day of family day care.
Nadia - This photo is special to me because it was my Christening day.
Xavier - my Grandma gave me the camel that came from Egypt 53 years ago.
Atharv - My Artefact is my favourite silver bowl and cup from when I was a baby.
Xuanrui - It is made out pf plastic and I got it from my cousin in China when I was about 2.
Jason - I got it from the hospital in Sydney last year.
Sophie - I shared about how school has changed in the past to now.
Tyrell - This Artefact is a globe. I have learnt about 21 different countries.
Peter - My Artefact is a jug that was used for drinking on the fields in Greece.
Oliver - My Artefact reminds me of when I was younger and had my first strawberry yogurt.
Marley - My dinosaur is special to me because it makes me relax and it's my favourite colour.
Macy - The teddy bear is my favourite toy and I got it when I was 1 year old.
Aidan - My Artefact came from my dad who gave it to my mum in 2008 and now it's mine.