Principal Post

Dear Families,
Term 3 has come to an end. We thank all our families for their wonderful support and engagement in our school events. We have held so many wonderful family events including our Art show, Grandparents day and Father's Day.
Throughout this term our students have been practicing Responsibility, Resilience and Respect each day. Tokens and Vianney Vouchers are flying through the door. Positive Behaviour for learning is making a huge impact for our students.
This term we have also had a strong focus on Social Justice raising money for Connor's Run, St Vincent de Paul and Save the Children. This is really putting our 'Faith into Action'.
Have a safe and happy holiday and we look forward to another exciting term, starting back on October 7th.
Exciting new Fundraising Events
On December the 5th this year the school will be holding a Talent Show and a Colour Fun Run. This community event -SJV Spirit Day will need our Parents support to be a success.
Please sign up to help on this link.
Spirit day
You just need to have a Working with Children. We want as many parents as possible to participate.
Next year we will hold an SJV Primary Family Fun Day on March 29th. We will also need many parents and families to be involved to support our Parents and Friends create a wonderful family day. We will be holding a meeting to organise this major Fundraising Wednesday 9h October at 7pm. You can join online or in person. In order to make events work we need as many volunteers as possible. A link will be forwarded to families Monday next term.
Bike Education
Next term our grade 3/4 will begin Bike Education. This will start on Monday 7th October. the first day back at school. You can bring your own bike and helmet or use a school one.
Footy Day
Please wear Footy Clothes/colours on Friday. We will hold a parade at 12pm for any families that would like to join in on the fun!
Resilience Awards
This week we had two award winners
Hayley from Grade 3/4C. She won an Empathy Award because she is an empathetic friend who is kind and helpful.
Miss Mal won her award for displaying gratitude and making us smile and working hard to make SJV a better place.
Social Justice in Action
'Fair for Fairness Day' was held on Monday. The school raised $452 for St Vincent de Paul. This day was organised by our Mini Vinnies. The students played a variety of fun games at different times throughout the day. please read the 'Fair for Fairness' page to find out more information.
Connors Run
On Sunday 15th September over 50 of of the SJV community participated in Connor's Run. This included staff, families and students. The cause is to raise money for Brain cancer Research.
The SJV community raised over $7100 dollars. It was so much fun and again displayed 'Faith in Action' for such an important cause. The day has raised over 1.6 million so far this year.
Please remember to get involved next year and if you with to donate you still can!
Connor's Run was so much fun for the whole family. We’re all keen to do it again next year and aiming for longer 9.6km distance and raising more money for the cause! We loved the music, dancing, hopscotch and overall energetic atmosphere.
Ung Family
My family and I did the 3km run. We all enjoyed the day, the kids jogged ahead with their friends and had a great time. From fundraising for an important cause to spending time with family and friends, the experience was worth it. We would do it again.
Zdziech Family
Slade’s highlight – dancing and showing off my best dance moves.
Kester’s highlight – I enjoyed running around the 3km course, which was a blast, and am excited to come back next year and challenge myself with the 9.6km run.
I recently took part in Connor’s Run, a wonderfully organised fundraising event for paediatric brain cancer. The incredible turnout and support from the community was a highlight to such an important cause. The SJV school camaraderie also added a special touch, making the experience even more meaningful.
Oliver Fong
From the Office
If your family circumstances change could you please contact the office to update and to ensure we have the most accurate information.
For example - Addresses, contact numbers and emails. Thank you in advance.
End of Term
Please note that we will be finishing the term next Friday at 2:30pm. It is an early finish and we remind parents to put this into their calendars. Camp Australia will run from 2:30pm but bookings are essential via the Camp Australia customer service portal.