Grade 1 Area
Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham & Mrs Sarah Castellas
Grade 1 Area
Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham & Mrs Sarah Castellas
What an amazing 2 weeks of learning in Grade 1!
This term we have been focusing on our ideas when writing narratives. We have been learning to include adjectives and sizzling starts in our writing. We have also been introduced to planning templates to use before beginning story writing. It has been fantastic to see so many students experimenting and 'having a go' during writing. This week we have been publishing our chosen narrative on the Chromebooks.
Over the last 2 weeks, we have been learning about addition and subtraction. We've focused on using various strategies to help work out worded problems. Students have developed their resilience in maths and feeling comfortable being in 'the learning pit'. We've had some great fluency activities to help warm up our brains before our maths learning. It has been fabulous seeing students using the hands-on materials to help work out various maths problems!
The Grade 1 students have planted some seeds! We planted sunflower seeds and basil. We are looking after them and some plants are starting to grow. It's very exciting to see this happening right before our eyes!
It has been such a FUN 2 weeks of learning in 1B. We hope you've enjoyed a look into what we have been doing in our classroom!