
Mr Nick Dimarco 

It has been a busy term 3 at Greensborough College, beginning in the first week with our Health Day for Year 9 and 10 students. The Year 9 boys attended the Man Cave Program while the Year 10 girls were involved in the Flourish Journey both run by external agencies. Alongside these programs the wellbeing team, School Nurses and Banyule Youth Services delivered sessions throughout the day to the remaining Year 9 and 10 students. These sessions focused on gaming and gambling, body image and respectful relationships. 


A new initiative that began this term was our partnership with the Eat Up Program. The Eat Up Program is designed to provide healthy, balanced meals to students who may be facing food insecurity or simply need a little extra support. The program recognises that proper nutrition is crucial for academic success and overall well-being. When available, the wellbeing team have been providing sandwiches, yoghurts and fruit to students. We are really excited about this partnership and look forward to continuing to share this with you all in Term 4!  



On Thursday the 12th of September Greensborough College celebrated R U OK? Day. R U OK?  Day is an important day that aims to empower everyone to reach out and have meaningful conversations with those around them. The Wellbeing staff celebrated the day by organising a morning tea for all staff and students which offered the opportunity to promote conversations and check in on each other.  



We also had the opportunity to celebrate NAIDOC Week, Anti-Bullying Week and Wear It Purple Day throughout the term. These important dates are a great opportunity for us to celebrate our students and staff and bring our community together.  

As you can see, it has been an extremely busy term for all students! It is important that everyone takes this opportunity to switch off and take a break over the holiday period, so we are all feeling refreshed and ready to go for term 4!