What's happening in our learning spaces?

FLW | Oliver -For the positive way you have participated in all your learning this week. You are a STAR! Well Done, Oliver |
FAP | Francesca -For the thought and effort put into your writing this week! You demonstrated attention to detail when forming your letters and placing them on the dotted thirds. Well done, fantastic Francesca! |
FAM | Alexandra -For persisting with your handwriting and taking great care when forming your letters and correctly placing them on the dotted thirds. Keep it up Lexi! |
1/2VS | Thomas -For always showing enthusiasm and being persistent when engaging in learning tasks. You are doing an amazing job Thomas. Keep it up! Ruby -For showing courage when sharing your writing with your peers. You are a star Ruby! Keep being confident! |
1/2VK | Sam - For demonstrating courage and determination when completing your learning. You continue to do a wonderful job. Well done!Anthony MansourFor your exceptional work with your handwriting, you blew me away with your writing this week. Well done, legend! |
1/2VB | Harrison -For approaching your learning with enthusiasm and putting great effort into all tasks. Hardworking Harrison! Ella -For your persistence solving division stories in maths this week. It’s great to see you challenge yourself and not give up. Exceptional Ella! |
3/4BP | Jacob -For being a focused and persistent learner and giving everything a go with a smile on your face. Jovial Jacob! |
3/4SH | Chrysi T -For her wonderful writing and superb sharing during maths this week. Keep up the great work, Chrysi! |
5/6OS | Anthony -For being a collaborative and enthusiastic participant in our STEM Bridge building Challenge and for continuing to work hard in developing an engaging narrative about Pokemon! Awesome Anthony |
5/6BZ | Anderson -For being a wonderful collaborator when designing and creating a bridge in our STEM Challenge. Amazing Anderson! |
5/6MC | Thomas -For demonstrating an amazing job giving helpful feedback to peers, taking suggestions from peers to improve, and writing a fantastic, detailed and descriptive narrative on ‘A Purple Mystery’. Well done Thomas! |
Maths | Maddie - For demonstrating amazing number sense. You are able to solve all types of problems using efficient strategies and explain clearly the steps you have taken. You always persist and put effort into your learning. Well done Maddie ! |
It’s hard to believe that we have been at school for three full terms! It has been a crazy term filled with so much joy, fun and laughter as we engaged in many exciting learning opportunities, incursions and excursions and dress-up days. As we near the end of Term 3, we want to thank all of the wonderful parents, families and carers for their support, without it, most of this would not be possible! We truly appreciate all that you do as part of your children’s learning journeys.
As inquirers, we reflected on the term and all of our learning as we explored our big question ‘How do Living Things Survive and Thrive?’ As writers, we documented all of our thinking as we considered what our favourite experiences and learning opportunities were, the fascinating discoveries we made, what we were most interested in and what we would still like to explore further or find out!
As people of faith, we have been tuning in to the scripture Road to Emmaus by looking at various visual representations and engaging in a See-Think-Wonder. We wondered who the people were, where they were going, what the path led to and what they were talking about. As thinkers, we listened to the story for the first time and made connections between the story and the picture. We reflected on the characters and events, and shared our new thoughts and wonderings, before considering the perspectives of those in the story. This week, we will continue to explore this scripture and make further connections as we tune in to the Sacrament of Eucharist.
Dates to remember:
- Tuesday 17th September: All Foundation classes to attend Parish Mass at 9:15 am with our Year 5/6 Buddies. Parents are welcome to attend the Mass.
- Thursday 19th September- Footy Day and Hot Food Day (Hot Dogs and Jam donuts)....don’t forget to wear footy colours…Miss Marsico will be donning her black and white scarf, and Mrs Wenckowski will be wearing her navy blue!
- Friday 20th September- 1:00 pm finish for the end of Term 3
We hope you have a wonderful week and wish you all a safe and enjoyable break! We look forward to welcoming everyone back for Term 4 on Monday, October 7th.
Leanne Wenckowski, Alex Phillips and Alycia Marsico,
Foundation Team
YEAR 1/2
Last week, a surprise camouflaged visitor visited the Year 1/2 cohort, which excited all of our students and teachers! Wonder and curiosity filled our learning spaces!
As writers, we have been learning to write information text that informs a reader. Last we began the process of writing an information text. As researchers, we gathered in groups to read non-fiction texts and watch videos to find out about stick insects. We recorded our discoveries on a data chart. Then, we used our discoveries to begin planning an information text by creating a mind map. This has helped us to write a detailed information text that we are continuing to edit this week.
As readers and writers, we have continued to consolidate different sounds. We have brainstormed lists of words, created sentences and engaged in dictation. This week, the spelling patterns are ou and digraphs ow words.
Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about friendship through the Resilience Project. As learners, we have engaged in discussions and through activities such as role play we have considered what makes a good friend and how to practise conflict resolution. We are looking forward to 1/2VK leading the last whole school assembly this Friday, the 20th of September. They will present the Friendship Recipe to share the qualities of a positive friendship!
Congratulations to all students for completing another busy term of learning. As teachers, we are always thrilled to celebrate how far all of the students have come so far this year! We wish all families a restful and safe break and look forward to Term 4!
- Thursday, 19th September - Sports Colour Day & Hot Food Day
- Friday, 20th September - Early finish at 1:00pm
1/2 Team
Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis and Vivian Boggis
YEAR 3/4
As writers, we have been learning how to edit our information texts before we publish them. Editing involves the following steps…
Editing for meaning Do the words make sense? Do they match the context? |
Editing for structure Do the words/ text look right? Does it sound right? |
Editing for grammar Are the words following the appropriate rules? |
Editing for punctuation Is the punctuation correct and in the right spot? |
As mathematicians, we are learning to solve division problems. With support from Mrs Monaghan, we have been reviewing our multiplication facts and how these help us to solve division problems.
As people of a faith learning community, we have been exploring the scripture story, ‘The Road to Emmaus’. Throughout the week, we have viewed various artworks and listened to the story from the bible from the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35. As thinkers, we have engaged in thinking routines (Sentence Phrase Word, Looking Ten Times Two, Headlines) to help us gain a deeper understanding of the story.
As athletes, we are learning to kick a football with our peers. We participated in various games and activities to practise our coordination and handball skills. We are excited to play a game of football next week.
What’s happening in Week 10?
Tuesday 17 September - Year 3/4 Maths Games Day
Thursday, 19 September - Hot dogs for lunch and Footy day colours
Friday 20 September - Term 3 finishes at 1pm
Have a lovely week!
Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan
YEAR 5/6
What a busy week!
On Tuesday, while our fantastic finalists were off at the STEM MAD Showcase, the SLA had a STEM challenge of our own! In pairs, students were given the brief to build a bridge from everyday materials that could span a 50 cm gap between two tables. As budding engineers, they first researched the four main types of bridges and drew inspiration from famous structures around the world. Then, it was time to build, build, build! Each duo worked collaboratively and with determination to craft their bridges, which were soon put to the ultimate test: could their bridge withstand the passage of a car (made from Lego) and make it safely across?
Thankfully, many bridges passed with flying colours, successfully carrying their passengers to the other side. However, some of our enthusiastic "drivers" pushed their LEGO cars a bit too quickly, resulting in a few wild detours and occasional crashes! Despite some speedy misadventures, it was a thrilling demonstration that the future is indeed in good hands—our next generation of STEM geniuses is already building bridges to tomorrow!
Congratulations to the teams that attended the STEM MAD Nationals on Tuesday. We had a wonderful time being interviewed, sharing our ideas with judges, exploring the fun zones, and, of course, eating some delicious gelati.
Congratulations to the Softball players who participated in the final at Shore Reserve on Friday. It was a great game, and well done on getting to this point.
This week, we end the term and also our time with Miss Chloe and Mr Adam! We thank them for their time and effort during their final placements and wish them all the best in their future teaching careers.
What’s on this week:
Tuesday 17/09 - Buddy Mass @9:15
Thursday 19/09 - Hot Food Day & Footy Colours
Friday 20/09 - Last day of school 1 pm finish
We hope you have an enjoyable school holiday!
The 5/6 Team,
Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut