
DAV Junior Secondary Program

Over Term 4, four teams of Year 7s and 8s had the opportunity to participate in the Debaters Association of Victoria Junior Secondary Program (JSP). The JSP debates were an amazing first experience for our team as first-time debaters. As year sevens, we gained heaps of knowledge that would lead us to becoming better debaters, such as how to split our team well in a debate, the structure of a debate and how to prepare rebuttals under pressure. The training before and after each debate allowed us to learn new skills and how to debate better, and we got to argue around topics like whether we should use animal products, whether we care too much about grades, and if we should introduce a sugar tax on drinks. 


The JSP made it evident to us that debating was not just about sharpening persuasive abilities, but it was also a journey of both personal and intellectual growth. It promoted to us the importance of embracing different perspectives, thinking on our feet, and communicating persuasively - all while thoroughly enjoying the learning process and anticipation before entering a debate. It reaffirmed my belief that learning can be very enjoyable when wrapped in the cloak of a stimulating challenge. Our team was also able to watch debates from other Huntingtower teams, and we have learnt many new tips and tricks, simply just from watching, that will help us become a better debater in the future. and we look forward to doing it again in the future.


This 3v3 debating competition has inspired us to sign up to more debating competitions and continue to advance our skills. The JSP program was definitely a highlight of 2023 and a great first experience in debating, and will help us as we progress through our debating journey in the future. 

Lara L and Shunya Z (Year 7)

Avila – Huntingtower Showcase Debate

Last week the 2024 Debating Captains went head-to-head against Avila College in a friendly showcase debate for their students, on the topic: “Assuming we are the aliens, should we make contact with Earth?” Speaking for four minutes each, the debate touched on hygiene, disease, moral duties, and environmental issues, with some alien jokes thrown in for good measure. It was a fun yet still thought-provoking debate, ending with an unofficial applause-off to decide the winners, with Huntingtower as the negative team receiving the loudest cheers from the audience of Avila students!


Following the Year 7 and 8 Huntingtower-Avila debating competition earlier this year, we hope that this marks a continuation of the love of debating between our two schools. The competition was a great experience not only the teams of debaters, but for us senior students who stepped up to adjudicate the debates. We would like to thank the Avila debaters for being such a great group to work with, and we will be looking forward to what 2024 will hold!

Josiane M (Year 11)

DAV Schools Competition Swannie Awards

Congratulations to Pranav C (Year 12) and Ethan Z (Year 10), who were named as recipients of Swannie Awards in the Glen Waverley Region of the Debaters Association of Victoria Schools Competition. Pranav was awarded the A Grade Swannie Award, which Ethan was the recipient of the C Grade Swannie Award.


The Swannie Awards, named after long-time member of the DAV and pioneer of debating in Victoria Alan Swanwick, are awarded to the speaker in each region and grade who has the highest average speaker score after completing at least two debates during the year.

Well done to Pranav and Ethan for this achievement!


Mr Matthew McDonald

Director of Student Communication and Engagement