Around the Grounds

Christmas Is Giving

The Huntingtower community celebrated the season of giving at the Christmas is Giving Assembly. Staff and students donated over 150 green bags worth of food and gifts to go towards the Eastern Emergency Relief Network's Christmas hampers. We are so proud of the efforts made, and we hope that the community support makes Christmas brighter for many individuals and families across the eastern Melbourne.

Magazine Launch

Thank you to the magazine team for their amazing work putting together this year's 'At Home' yearbook.


Our gratitude goes to the following Year 10 students who made up the 2023 Magazine Committee:


• Shiven D A

• Charlotte C

• Liana C

• Livia D

• Keira L

• Sophie L

• Victoria P

• Tharul P

• Prisha R

• Olivia W


We hope you enjoy the magazine!

Well done to Mimi R who designed the front cover!

Year 8 Take Action

Well done to the Year 8s who did such a fantastic job collecting clothes and supplies to be donated to the St Kilda Mums as part of the Take Action program.

Food Studies

The Year 9 class decorated cupcakes for their final lesson of the year. We had great fun icing Christmas trees, reindeer and Santas and boxed them up to take home and share with family and friends. 

Ms Ruby Anstee



The excursion for our 2024 Art Making & Exhibiting VCE students was to the Museum of Australian Photography (MAPh), which is the preeminent national photography museum, dedicated to championing Australian photography and Australian artists and inspires audiences to embrace, explore and value photography.


Thank you to Angela Connor MAPh Senior Curator who led us through two wonderful exhibitions; Murray Fredericks | The salt lake | (a major survey exhibition of Murray Fredericks that brings together Salt, Array, Vanity and his most recent series, Blaze.) and STARGAZING, (a collection of contemporary photographs that guide us towards the stars, the planets and celestial spaces in poetic, experimental, playful, conceptual, and often quite abstract ways.)


Angela talked about Exhibition Design, Environmental controls, conservation and storage of works and her process of working with artists and designers, Curating the exhibitions at MAPh; a great experience for our VCE students and a wonderful way to finish the year of learning.


Ms Maddy Anderson

Art and Design Technician 

Mrs Marion Power 

Head of Art


Gardening Club

“A grateful heart a garden is, Where there is always room for every lovely, Godlike grace To come to perfect bloom.”

CS Hymn 3


The aim of the gardening club was to learn how to grow our own food while having fun working together, turning soil, planting, weeding and feeding, then harvesting our own crops.


A small team of dedicated senior student gardeners met every Wednesday during period 6, experimenting with summer and winter crops. Battling butterflies and snails, they grew rhubarb, beetroot, carrots, lettuce, kale, silver beet, cauliflower, tomatoes, spring onion, chives, basil, parsley, coriander and strawberries.


Hopefully the team can now transplant their enthusiasm for gardening to their own homes.

Mr Rob Kitchingman

Project Manager / Chaplaincy 

Solar Generation

As summer approaches we hope to see the power being generated by our solar plant increase to offset our consumption. Currently nearly a third of our needs is generated by solar. A big green thanks to all those who contributed to the project.