From the Chaplaincy

Christmas Tidings

Mary Baker Eddy asks us to 'celebrate Christmas with quietness, humility, kindness and charity.' Students were asked to reflect on this, and it was lovely so see them appreciate the true Spirit behind Christmas in our ‘Christmas is Giving’ Assembly. 


Christmas can be more than a season or a celebration, it can be a state of mind. Especially if we see Christmas as the constant coming of the Christ, Truth, to individual consciousness. It is the understanding and acceptance of the presence and reality of good – only good. 


Wouldn’t we want this present all the time!


If Christmas is Christ coming to our consciousness then Christmas stands for the things of Spirit, not of material things. This spirit becomes visible through our living of the Golden Rule and through our bearing no malice. It is demonstrated by our loving both friend and foe alike - by always being kind (Our school mantra).


The Wisemen of old beheld and followed the star to the birthplace of Jesus. The wise people of today can behold the light of Truth, Love. The Wisemen helped to protect the life of Jesus from the envy and hatred of Herod. We, the wise people of today, can overcome antagonism and hatred with purity, Love, Truth and humility. 


So, let’s remember the advice from Mary Baker Eddy to celebrate Christmas with quietness, humility, kindness, charity. Perhaps find even a few moments to be grateful for your family and friends, for your health, for your wonderful school, for goodness itself. 

Then, don’t stop!


With this attitude it can be Christmas every day.


“Remember the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” - Acts 20:35


Peace and Best wishes,


The Chaplaincy Team