From the Principal's desk

We have many exciting events happening across the school over the last few weeks of the year. The students are getting very tired at the end of a long term. I encourage families to try and keep to a bedtime routine as much as possible, however, I realise this can be hard at this time of the year. Last Monday we held a very successful volunteers morning tea. Thank you to the staff for organising and also to the choir for singing at this special event.
Our 2024 classroom teachers are:
- Prep/Year 1 - Gemma Tilley, Lisa McCrae and Amy Ellis
- Year 1/2 - Georgie Cleary
- Year 3/4 - Rob Smith and Narelle Robertson
- Year 5/6 - Jacqi Hope and Jedd Wright
We are all very excited about 2024 with our new teaching teams. I would like to say a big thank you and best wishes to Jenny Sartoria who will begin long service leave and Julie Wilkinson taking leave without pay for 2024.
2024 Student Leaders Speeches
Today our current Year 5 students who would like to nominate for 2024 School Captain will talk to the whole school about why they would make a good leader. We will then hold voting and interviews to select our new leaders. Our Year 5 and Year 4 students will also speak to their house groups around becoming a house leader in 2024.
Memorial Gates Unveiling
On Friday morning at 10am (please note this is half an hour earlier) we will be unveiling our updated memorial gates with a short ceremony. All are welcome to attend.
Orientation Day
Next Tuesday the whole school will participate in the Statewide Transition Day. Our current Preps will join the kinder students in fun activities from 9:30am-1:00pm. The rest of the school will move up to their 2024 classes with their new teacher from 9:45am-11:00am. This will be a very exciting time for our students. All 2023 Year 6 students will participate in the Statewide Transition Day at their new Secondary Schools.
Year 6 Graduation
On Tuesday evening we will celebrate our 2023 Year 6 students at a graduation ceremony. This will be held at the Numurkah Secondary College Hall. I look forward to spending this time with our Year 6 students and their families.
Final Assembly
Our final assembly will be held on Thursday the 14th of December at 9:15am. This day will be an 'Odd Sock Day' to celebrate Ms Sartoria's amazing time at Numurkah PS. We welcome all families to our final assembly and celebration of the year.
School Swimming Sports
On Friday the 15th of December the whole school will participate in the 2023 swimming sports. Students will walk down during the morning to start events. Families are welcome to come to the pool to cheer and support our students. Families can bring a picnic down or lunch orders will be available for students on the day, with these delivered to the pool.