1/2 K

Thank you for an amazing year 

St Francis Xavier Fest Day

We celebrated St Francis Xavier the patron saint of our school by having a beautiful prayer service. The students wore free dress and participated in activities based around St Francis Xavier. In 1/2 we made biscuits to represent the shell that we see St Francis Xavier holding in many pictures.

Here are the children enjoying their biscuits.



Children have been exploring 3D shapes. They have explored the edges, faces, vertices (corners) and apexes of 3D shapes. 

The children have found that by looking at the 2D shapes that make that faces of the 3D shapes we are able to easily describes and name the 3D shape.

Then we had the opportunity to build 3D shapes and really explore that features of 3D shapes.

Here are the children with their 3D shapes.


Thank you

We have had lots of exciting activities throughout the year, as well as developing a whole range of relationships with our peers and teachers.

A big thank-you to all our families for the ongoing support you have given throughout the year. Providing positive and meaningful educational opportunities for our students is definitely a team effort!

We wish you all a safe and happy holidays and we hope to see some well rested and excited children back ready to learning in 2024.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Ms Kim and Ms Karen