Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report
Term 4 - Week 11
Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,
Welcome to our final newsletter of the 2023 school year!
We have entered the Season of Advent. A time of anticipation as we await the coming of the baby Jesus; the Saviour. He is the one who reminds us of our earthly purpose. He reminds us to be joyful, grateful and peace filled people who fill our world with love. It is important that amidst the excitement and at times, stressful build up to Christmas, that we, as the grown ups in our children’s lives, remember to practise patience and kindness. We need to help our children to do the same as the inevitable and beautiful excitement of the Christmas season builds in them.
At this time where we draw things to a close, it is important for me to mention the outstanding teaching and learning support staff of S.F.X who work with dedication to provide a stimulating and caring environment in which all children can learn and grow. I feel honoured to work among them each day. To our classroom teachers, specialist teachers and learning support officers - thank you!
I would also like to say a huge thank you to my leadership team. I would like to acknowledge Mrs Marion O’Brien for the outstanding way she led the school this year, especially during my time away at the end of Term Three. I would also like to acknowledge the outstanding leadership that both Erin Walton (Learning Diversity, Mathematics) and Melissa Sotelo (Wellbeing, Literacy) provide to the school. Their hard work is greatly appreciated!
I’m sure you will agree that S.F.X would not run without our wonderful administration team of Kellie Burke and Claire Francis-Pester. They do such a brilliant job as the 'faces' of our school, greeting families, running the uniform shop, managing attendances, tending to sick students - all whilst still finding a way to keep the school running! We are so lucky to have Kellie and Claire here at S.F.X.
I’d like to sincerely thank the members of the School Advisory Committee for the energy and dedication they have shown in providing thoughtful input and support to the decision making processes in our school. I would like to thank our Chairperson, Emilia Despotovski, Meghan Thomas, Claire Ballantyne, Shaunie Lee, Mel Kissell and Christine Wakeling for their work on our team this year. I am also very happy to be welcoming Rose Pereira onto the SAC next year. We would still love one more member to join the team, so if you are interested please do not hesitate to get in touch.
We are also very blessed to have Father Chinua as our Parish Priest. I thank him for the warm, gentle and loving way he leads us all in the development of faith.
Goodbye and Thank You
It is my very sad task to remind everyone that some of our staff will be leaving us at the end of the year. To Mr Cameron, Ms Sarah and Ms Nicole - thank you for everything that you have contributed to the St Francis Xavier community. Students, staff and parents have all been extremely lucky to have such dedicated, knowledgeable and loving professionals working within our school.
Also to the families who have their youngest child finishing at S.F.X at the end of this year, thank you for everything that you have contributed to our school community over your time at the school.
Biviano (Jacob) Family | Cashman Family | Charret Family |
Davis Family | Dela-Fuente Family | Esparas Family |
Glasper Family | Goralczyk Family | Joseph (Zairah) Family |
Mills Family | Rosalie Family | Soji Family |
Sotelo Family | Wicthiel Family | Grigg Family |
Scardino Family | Le Family | Schultz Family |
Liao Family | Souza -Centenareski Family | Harwood Family |
I would also like to say a big congratulations to Miss Ashleigh and her husband Matt, who are pleased to announce that they are expecting their 3rd child in 2024. We look forward to meeting the newest addition to their wonderful family next year!
Finally, it is important to acknowledge our beautiful students who are the reason we work and strive each day. They fill us with joy as we interact and learn so much from them. Thank you for entrusting your children into our care. They remind me daily of the privilege it is to be a principal.
A blessed Christmas and a safe, happy and prosperous new year to you all.
We will see you all on Tuesday, January 30th for the first school day of 2024!
Steve Peart
School Principal