The December 2023 edition of the Alma Mater is here!

Dear Alumni,


The latest edition of the Alma Mater has arrived and is all ready for you to read along with a cup of tea and a pre-Christmas mince pie or biscuit! Keep an eye on your letterbox as the magazine has now been posted out. You are also welcome to view it here, click here to explore the digital version


This edition is filled with end of year news from across St Mary's College, as well as staff and alumni interviews, anecdotes from the archives and details on what's been happening at the College in recent months. 


In its pages read about the Pillars program - life skills sessions, the Presentation Plaque and hear what our Prefects plan to do post-graduation and their reflections on their time at SMC.


We also hear from St Mary's College Heritage Officer, Margaret Rootes, who provides an update from the AGM, further anecdotes on the College Crest, plus musings from Sally Cattell on Nano and the three 'urchins'. You'll also see the featured alumni profiles on Cathy Thornton (1984) and Taylah Pickett (2018).


Thank you to all alumni, staff and students for your engagement with the publication and your wonderful contributions.  We enjoyed working on this publication with you.


Please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing if your mailing address has changed, or if you would prefer to receive the magazine electronically in the future. 


Warm regards,


Community Relations