Parent & Student Matters 

  • Textbooks for 2024
  • Backflips Against Bullying
  • History
  • English
  • Maths Drop-In

Textbooks for 2024

Information regarding the purchase of textbooks for students for 2024 is now available and will be emailed to parents. This information is for students who will be in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in 2024.  

The following attachments are documents containing details of the curriculum and textbook requirements.

If you have any queries, please contact Mr Alex Damo or the relevant Studies Coordinators as advised in the first document.

Mr Alex Damo - Assistant Principal, Teaching and Learning

Backflips Against Bullying

On Friday 17 November Year 7 and 8 students were presented a performance about bullying, titled ‘Backflips Against Bullying’. It focussed on the many scenarios that students may face and how to respond to them. Some big takeaways, other than the exciting and acrobatic performance, was to rephrase the old saying to be ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will not control me.’ The performers helped the cohorts understand the types of bullying and how to respond to these behaviours. This included cyber, social, and physical bullying scenarios. By providing these strategies in an entertaining way, both year groups will be able to utilise and embed these learnings towards the end of the year and into the future!

Mr Jack Kovacic - Year 7 Coordinator


There are always great opportunities for those interested in history in Sydney. Why not take advantage of the some of the following which are available in the coming school holidays?


1.   180 ancient Egyptian treasures are on display at the Australian Museum in the city in the Ramses and the Gold of the Pharaohs exhibition:


2.    The Anzac Memorial at Hyde Park which opened in 1934 has free entry to its exhibitions which commemorate the contribution of New South Wales contribution in conflicts:


3.    The Sydney Jewish Museum at Darlinghurst was founded in 1992 by survivors of the Holocaust who had made a new life in Australia. Year 9 and 10 History students visit this each year in what proves to be a powerful experience:


There are many other historical places to visit but these three in the same area of Sydney are great starting points.

Next week what are some new historical films and books to consider for the holidays?

Mr Pat Rodgers - History/Legal Studies Coordinator


Microfiction Writer and Illustrator Winners

Monday's assembly saw the presentation of the St Pius X College 2023 Microfiction Book. The book is comprised of a series of short stories written for this year’s Microfiction Competition, with each story also being illustrated by another student. Congratulations to our freshly published authors and artists! Please use the following link to access a digital version of the stories.  These are also found on the college website.

Mr Daniel Quilty - English Studies Coordinator

Maths Drop-In



Maths Drop-In continues each Tuesday and Thursday morning 7:40 am – 8:30 am in C1. 

These sessions are open to all students from Years 7-12 and are an ideal way to receive extra help, to do additional study or to complete homework. It is a great way to study with a friend and get ahead. Just simply turn up with your Maths books. Come along and be a part of the team in C1.



FRIDAYS 8:00 am – 8:40 am 

Drop-in to 5 Gold for help with difficult mathematics concepts or general homework.  This is an ideal place where students can come and feel comfortable to ask questions. Students are encouraged to bring along specific queries, tasks, assessments, homework, general revision and problems to work on, with Mrs Fileman on hand, ready to help.

Mrs Amanda Fileman - Mathematics Teacher