From the Principal
- Reflection
- Blessed Edmund Rice Icon
- Adieu for now, Mr Brannan
- Assistant English Coordinator
- Movember Campaign
- 2024 Changes to Bell times
- 2024 Homeroom Changes
- Christmas Twilight Concert
- Community Satisfaction Survey
- End of Year Dates
A Liberating Education
One of the Touchstones of a Catholic Education in the Edmund Rice Tradition.
The Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition has four Touchstones for authenticity:
Liberating Education
Gospel Spirituality
Inclusive Community
Justice and Solidarity
The Touchstone of Liberating Education rests in an understanding of liberation: our own and that of the other. This understanding will result in a continuous movement towards removing oppression and the building of a society where justice and peace are central for all. As educators westrive to educate in a way that builds awareness and skills with which our students critique and build a better world for all.
Equally, we acknowledge that some of our students face marginalisation and poverty within our own communities. We aim to liberate them by providing an education which supports them to see and achieve beyond this oppression.
In understanding this, we look for liberation in our foundational stories. We aim to bring a notion of liberation into reality. We challenge schools to be liberating.
We engage with curricular and pedagogy that equips students to be more self-aware, skilled in critical thinking and willing and able to take their place in society as agents of change.
In all of this we know that our own liberation and that of others are intricately linked.
We open hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all.
Blessed Edmund Rice was inspired by the Gospel of Jesus the liberator. He opened his whole heart to Christ present and appealing to him in the poor. He saw education as the way to liberate the young boys of Waterford from a future that held lifelong poverty, lack of employment and rejection. Through their education these boys would, in turn, seek ways to bring hope and liberation to others who were oppressed.
Like Edmund we too are challenged to be liberated and liberators. Can we become aware of how we are not truly free? How can we overcome the oppression that affects the lives of many? How do we ensure that our hearts and minds are open to the ways in which we can be cocreators of a better world? Our creation in the being and likeness of God gives us the potential of life in its fullest. Our relationship with Jesus nourishes our ability to liberate and be liberated. Our understanding of Edmund sets us an example. A liberating education offers hope. It helps young people see how they can be a difference in this world and gives them the skills and mindsets to do so. Let us pray that the young people of St Pius X College can open their hearts and minds and make this world a better place.
Blessed Edmund Rice Icon
Over the course of the year, I have provided the community with an insight to the Edmund Rice icon. Next week will be the last of the explanation thus bringing us to a conclusion of the significance of the most sacred icon for Edmund Rice schools.
Locations Critical to the Mission
From his right hand, a group of seven stars moves away and upwards. They betoken the seven men who helped him lay the foundation of his work (stars also signify spiritual brightness, and faith, and the presence of the Divinity and much else).
The one second closest to his hand rests over the stable school in New Street, Waterford.
Nearby, another star rests beside the Presentation Convent at Hennessy Road. Higher up, yet another star sits on the roof of Mount Sion, the mother house.
The Icon provides all Edmund Rice communities an insight into the person who was Blessed Edmund Rice.
Blessed Edmund Rice saying:
‘Give to the poor in handfuls.’
Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us
St Pius X - Pray for Us
Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!
Adieu for now, Mr Brannan
After 23 years as a valued and dedicated member of St Pius X College, Mr Sean Brannan has requested a one-year sabbatical so that he can pursue a professional opportunity at Mater Maria Warriewood as Director of Learning.
This is a great opportunity for Mr Brannan to share his wealth of knowledge and experience that he has gained over his time at St Pius X with another Catholic community.
The College will truly miss his expertise in so many facets, in particular, his knowledge and passion for the history and traditions of the College he and his family have been part of for many, many years.
This is just a short break from St Pius X College, so it is only farewell for now. The College will farewell Mr Brannan at our Annual Awards Presentation on Tuesday 5 December, allowing for the students and the community to express our gratitude to him for all that he has done, especially for the many sons and families associated with the College.
This is a very exciting time for Mr Brannan, but I know he will be sorely missed. Congratulations to Mr Brannan on this significant appointment, and we express our gratitude and best of luck in his role at Mater Maria Warriewood. We look forward, in anticipation, to his return in 2025.
Assistant English Coordinator
Following her appointment as the Acting Assistant English Coordinator early in Term 3, Ms Stefania Taddio has now been appointed to the permanent position. Ms Taddio has provided great experience to the English Department, and we look forward to her ongoing support of Mr Quilty, the members of the department and our students as they continue on their learning of English journey.
Movember campaign
The Movember campaign is approaching its final week. With Year 11 students attending the Snowy Hike next week, we will acknowledge our commitment to the campaign at our assembly on Friday.
As of Wednesday 22 November, we have almost reached our revised total of $4,000. It would be amazing if we were able to reach this total. Remember all proceeds go towards research into men’s mental health, testicular cancer and prostate cancer. With only a week to go, any amount helps.
Please continue to donate via myMo Space, here: – for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in your life.
2024 Changes to bell times
In 2024, there will be changes to the bell times to commence the school day. The College will commence the school earlier than previous years. This is to support and provide greater opportunities during homeroom. Students will need to ensure they are on the College premises by the 8:30 am movement bell. Homeroom will commence from 8.35 am. The College day will conclude at 3:00 pm for Junior School and 3:10 pm for the Senior School. Other changes to commence the school are included in the table below.
On Wednesdays in 2024, we are introducing The Waterford Wednesday Program. During this time, the College will provide opportunities to have Year meetings and formation opportunities such as Pastoral initiatives, Learning assemblies and Spiritual and faith growth. Though we are introducing this new time, there is no loss of mandatory learning time. This program will assist the College address key topics in support of the formation of the St Pius X graduate. The bell times for Wednesday are below:
2024 Homerooms to be based on House groupings
In 2024, Year 7 – 11 homerooms will be based on House groupings rather than alphabetical order. There will also be eight homerooms in each of these groups. Year 12 will remain as per 2023 arrangements. The aim of these new homeroom arrangements is to build a greater connection between Homeroom Teachers and their homeroom students thus providing improved benefits in the pastoral caring of students. Year groups will be divided into the following:
- Barron A and Barron B
- Purton A and Purton B
- Rice A and Rice B
- Treacy A and Treacy B
There will be homerooms for each House in each Year group. Siblings will be allocated to the same House group. This new homeroom arrangement is also one of the new initiatives to promote the House system and House Spirit. I look forward to the ongoing development of the House System in 2024.
Christmas Twilight Concert
Last Friday was a fantastic way to conclude the Performing Arts agenda for 2023 with the Christmas Twilight Concert. Though the weather was a little unkind to us, it didn’t stop the students from performing and displaying an array of musical talents. Thank you to Mrs Westhoff, Mr Jones, Mr Cummins and Ms Montaos for their organisation of the evening. Special thanks to all our music tutors Mr David Sismey, Mr Shane Cranney, Ms Laura Power, Mr Ian Talati and Mrs Stella Talati for their wonderful arrangements throughout the evening. The Combined Christmas Ensemble was a great finale to a beautiful evening.
Community Satisfaction Surveys
If you have not yet had the opportunity to complete these surveys, I would encourage you to do so as the College would welcome your feedback.
End of Year Dates
Week 8
Sunday 26 November Year 10 Immersions commence
Monday 27 November Year 11 Snowy Mountain Hike commences
Year 11 Supervised Study available
Year 10 Term 5 End of Year program commences
Year 6 Graduation at Oxford Falls campus
Week 9
Monday 4 December End of Year Thanksgiving Liturgy - The Road to Bethlehem
Tuesday 5 December Annual Awards Ceremony at Oxford Falls campus
Last Day for students Year 5 - 11
Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever
Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal