
Ms Belinda

Hi everyone! 


Gardening Fun!

We had a huge working bee thanks to our gardening club members plus some terrific 5/6 students, pulling out our last vegetables, setting opur worm bins up for Summer, and picking and eating our first tomatoes and beetroot! It was so great to see children so keen to eat delicious veggies! We cut up lots of vegetable matter and herbs from the garden and dug them into the soil for the worms to eat over summer break. The worms had made 40 litres of beautiful rich “worm castings” (worm poo) to help our gardens grow.


Things we need!

YOU! Next year we would love some parent volunteers to hello with our gardening projects. More information to come early next year.


Please enjoy looking through a few of our memorable moments from Gardening Club this year!


A big thank you to Amy and Nathan from Year 6 - they have been terrific Sustainability captains this year!


Best wishes for a happy, rejuvenating Summer break!Ms Belinda, Amy and Nathan