Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

 Important Notices


On Tuesday night we farewelled our Year 6 students celebrating Mass together and our Graduation Ceremony.  The children then enjoyed a dinner together and a disco to celebrate their final days at Trinity.  It was a wonderful evening to reflect on each child's time at Trinity and for the contribution each one of them has made in their time here.  As I said in my farewell speech to the children:


Thank you to each of our Year 6's - you have been an outstanding group of students who have tried your best to be the people we have asked you to be. As we know, no one is perfect so all we can ask is that you try your best and each of you has certainly done that. You have been great role models for the other children in our school.

Today  and our first week of Term 1 2024.

  1. Friday 15th  Dec - Final Assembly 12:30pm followed by Year 6 Guard of Honour
    School Concludes for Students at 1:35pm
  2. Monday 29th January Staff Return for 2024 
  3. Tuesday 30th January Staff Day no Students 
  4. Wednesday 31st January School Begins for Year 1 to Year 6 Students
  5. Thursday 1st February  School Begins for our New Preps 
  6. Friday 2nd February Whole School Gathering 2:45pm 

    Prayer:  Christmas

Dear Families and Friends,

As I said at our End of Year Mass yesterday, WOW! What a year it has been. 

Once again we come to the end of a school year and in looking back it would be almost impossible to name each and every highlight we have experienced together. Our students and Mr Ru captured many of these in their readings and video presentation yesterday and even then we know that many may have been missed. It is also easy to recall the big ones like our Family Multicultural night, School Fete, the camps and excursions, the list goes on, but there are so many other highlights equally important, like a child realizing for the first time that they are able to solve a challenging maths problem or read words that may once have appeared to be random letters on a page.  These moments are why we love this job teaching children. I thank each one of them for coming to school each day with a willingness to learn and a positive attitude to share with others. Of course we have faced many challenges along the way and have had days we would all rather forget, but I hope that these have been few and far between and that even those days have been able to teach us something about ourselves and our school community. 


A special thank you to our families, who each contribute so much that makes our school such a special place to be.  Our parent helpers who have assisted in classrooms, on excursions and in so many other ways throughout the year. Our Parents and Friends, and in particular Jenny and Sophie and their team of helpers, who give their time and energy to ensure our fundraising activities and whole school events can continue to happen. Without these individuals all of these things would be so much harder to manage. We are already excited about next year and the many great celebrations we know are coming and I look forward to other parents joining our Parents and Friends to help and support this team.


Thank you to my amazing staff who come to work each day ready and willing to take on the challenges this job can  bring. Running a school is an absolute privilege and of course would be an impossible task without the support of our teachers, LSOs, Admin staff and everyone who works at Triniity in big and little ways. 


Finally and most importantly, thank you to each of the amazing individuals who wake up each day, put on a uniform and come to school. Your teachers love teaching you and I love talking to all my principal friends about how lucky I am to have such beautiful children in my school. Each of you is unique and I look forward to seeing you all again next year. 


I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.



Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues




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