Principal's Report 

Issue No 37 -  29 November 2023

Term 4 - Week 9

School Concert

Congratulations to all our students on the wonderful performance on Thursday evening. It was a joyous experience to be together and watch the students perform.  We especially thank Mrs Sharon Bourke for her tireless preparation of our students and the thorough organisation of the evening and special mention to Mrs Sharnee Landinguin for her work also.



This Sunday signals the beginning of Advent; the time we prepare for Christ to come into our lives. This week the prayer cloths were changed to purple and Advent wreaths (with candles) were placed in each room. Here is a clip about Advent:


Week 1 - Advent Prayer of Hope

Christ our Hope, Shine in our lives with hope and promise. Open our eyes to see you in others.

Help us to be people of hope. We await your coming with gratitude.



School Assembly

A reminder to our parents that our next assembly is on Friday 1st December beginning at 3pm with 3JS presenting during this assembly. 


Orientation Day

Tuesday 5th December sees all of the students in the school engage in the Bendigo Catholic Schools’ Orientation day. Our Grade 6 students get the opportunity to travel to the Secondary College of their choice and experience what High School has to offer them in 2024. All of the current students in Grades Prep to 5 will move into their class groups for 2024, which is exciting. We will also welcome back our 2024 Preps for the Orientation Day as well. As part of the Orientation Day, there will be an information session for the 2024 Prep parents which will be held in the school hall from 9:15 am until 10:30 am.


Staffing News

Karlee Schade has taken a position at Marist College Bendigo from 2024.  We congratulate her on this appointment and thank her for her wonderful work throughout her time at St Kilian’s.


Class Representative

We are excited to announce that we are commencing a new initiative for 2024 called “Class Representative”. In brief, this will be a liaison person between your child’s teacher and families. More information is found here



End of Year Mass

Our End of Year Mass and Graduation ceremony will be celebrated on Thursday 7th December 6pm.


Final School assembly

Our Final School Assembly will be celebrated on Friday 15th December 2:30pm.  This is the final farewell for graduating students.


Upcoming Unit Masses

Thursday, 30th November sees the Grade 1s and 2s celebrate Mass together. All are welcome to attend the Mass in the Church at 9am.


Upcoming Dates for your calendar

Week 10

  • Monday 4th December
    • Assembly, 9am
    • Gr 4 Liturgy, 9:15am
    • Gr 2 Coliban Water visit, 11:40am
  • Tuesday, 5th December
    • 2024 Prep Orientation session, 9:15-10:30am
    • Orientation session for the remainder of the school after recess
  • Wednesday, 6th December
  • Thursday, 7th December
    • Choir Performance at St John of God atrium, 10:30am
    • End of year mass, 6pm
  • Friday, 8th December
    • Gr 6 Big Day Out


Start of 2024

School commences for students on Tuesday 30th January.


God Bless 

Kimberley McSweeney  
