Parents Committee News

Fundraising Committee Year in Review
What a wonderful and successful 2023 has been for the Parent Social and Fundraising Committee. We couldn’t have done it without all the support from parents offering their generous time to wrap presents, sell raffle tickets, work at the disco, sort pies, colour bomb the kids, tidy the garden, sell uniforms and all the other activities that have made 2023 a very successful fundraising year.
In addition to the fundraising the Committee has worked hard to continue to build our strong community by hosting any social events for both students and parents.
Below is a snapshot of our fundraising efforts this year (excluding Christmas Raffle).
Total money raised for 2023 is $19,475!!!
With the fundraising money this year we have been able to purchase items that support the learning at St Augustine’s. A summary of our purchases is below, which amounts to $13,873!!
The Parent Social and Fundraising Committee wish all the families at St Augustine’s a Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a wonderful 2024!
2024 Parent Fundraising & Social Committee
We have a number of current committee members leaving the committee at the end of this year. We therefore dearly need some new members in 2024.
The committee is an integral part of the school community, not just for raising much needed funds for the students and school grounds but also, and perhaps more importantly, for the bringing together of our school families and building the community feel we all love about our little school.
We can’t continue to put on events in 2024 without a full committee so please don’t think ‘someone else will do it’ as they may not!
Feel free to reach out to any of the current committee members if you’d like to know more about what we do or register your interest with Catherine in the office.
Preloved Uniform Shop
Usual hours Friday morning 8:30am - 9:00am
Washed donations are gratefully accepted. Please leave them in the hamper at the office.
Not all uniform items or sizes will be available but please continue to check as new items get donated and placed on the shelves.
All items are pre-worn and are $5. Cash or Card accepted.
Parent Volunteers – How You Can Help
If you are available for any of the following, please contact Catherine in the office: or
ph. 9314-5996
- Working in the Second-hand Uniform Shop: Friday mornings 8.20am-9am
- Selling Raffle Tickets
- Mother's Day Stall
- Father's Day Stall
- Preparing Easter Raffle Hampers
- School Disco