Classroom & Curriculum News

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program 2024
Please read the following letter from Ms Tiziana Scimone about the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program for 2024.
St. Augustine's Chess Club
For most of this year the St. Augustine's Chess Club has been running on Thursdays at lunchtime in the library. Those students attending the Chess Club have really enjoyed it and have shown great development in their skills and gamesmanship. Below is a summary of how the year has gone, including how are students performed in the Chess Tournaments against other schools. We look forward to Grant being able to continue running the Chess Club for us again next year and I hope to see new members joining from across the year levels.
School Assembly Awards
Happy Birthday to all these students who celebrate a birthday between the last assembly and the end of the year!! Any birthdays occuring between January 1st and the return to school will be acknowledged at the first assembly for 2024.
3/4 End of Year Celebration & Christmas activities
Year 6 and Prep Buddies- Excursion
A great time watching a movie and spending time with our friends at Sun Theatre.
Year 6 Big Day Out- Funfields
The Year 6 students celebrated the end of the year at Funfields on water slides, rides and other attractions.