The Principal's Desk

Dear parents, students, families and friends,
This will be the final newsletter for the year. I cannot believe that we are at the end of yet another year. In this season of Advent as we prepare for Christmas, we remember that Jesus came into the world to bring peace and love to humankind. We also remember that Jesus was born in poverty and during his earthly ministry cared for the sick, the poor, the homeless, the outcast and the hungry. In this spirit it has been wonderful to see the Christmas Hampers for St. Vincent De Paul filling up. There have been some very generous students who even donated the prizes they got from the Fang Colour Run to the Christmas Hamper Drive. To see generosity being enacted in young children is a wonderful thing.
A big, big big thank you to all parents who prepared a plate of food for the morning tea organised by the Parent Committee to say thank you to the staff of St. Augustine's for all they do during the year. The morning tea was greatly appreciated by the staff, who don't do what they do for accolades and rewards, however, it was touching for them to be acknowledged in this way. If you supplied a plate, platter or bowl, please come and collect it from the staffroom.
Staffing Update
Just in case you missed the email last week. As you know from the previous newsletter, Mr Tony Castellano will not be returning to St. Augustine's next year. We have found a replacement for the Health & Physical Education specialist role; Miss Isabelle Maher will now take on this position. Isabelle was going to take leave next year, however this position presented an opportunity to Isabelle to develop her teaching skills in an area that she is keenly interested in. So before we could say goodbye to Miss Maher, we now welcome her back!!
Curriculum 2024
Next year you will notice some major structural and timetable changes. As we move into the 2nd year of our School Improvement Plan (SIP) there will be a major focus on curriculum development, in particular, Literacy and Numeracy. The teachers have devoted a lot of time this year to Professional Development focused on the use of student data to drive Learning and Teaching. The students will receive 5 days of learning in Literacy and Numeracy. This translates to 2 hours per day for Literacy (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Speaking & Listening) and 1 hour per day for numeracy. Religious Education and the Inquiry Curriculum will happen in the afternoons for 3 lessons each per week. For the juniors we have moved their specialist classes to the afternoons to maximise their learning time in Literacy and Numeracy. We have also moved School Assembly and Colour House Sports to Fridays. These will now be fortnightly, alternating each week between assembly or school sports. Either way we are still coming together as a school community each week, which I believe is very important for developing school spirit and identity. Library lessons and borrowing will now be fortnightly as Mrs Ady will be working 3 days per week.
Please make sure you visit each page of the newsletter. The Faith News page includes the timetable for Advent and Christmas masses and events. The Classroom and Curriculum page includes an article about the St. Augustine's Chess Club by Grant the Chessman.
Upcoming events:
Tuesday 12th December - St Augustine's Christmas Carols in the School Hall, 5pm Picnic, 6.30pm Carols - Coffee Van and Gelati Van will be available between 5pm and 7pm
Wednesday 13th December - Whole School End of Year Fun Day at Funtopia
Thursday 14th December - Whole School End of Year Mass at 9.00am
Thursday 14th November - Parent Helpers Morning Tea at 11am in the Staffroom
Thursday 14th December - Year 6 Graduation Liturgy, Ceremony and Dinner at 6.00pm
Friday 15th December - End of Term and Year 1.15pm Dismissal
I wish all families a very merry and holy Christmas and a happy New Year. May your summer holidays be restful, relaxing and most of all enjoyable.
I look forward to welcoming you all back next year in 2024.
To our Year 6 Graduating Class, Congratulations! Well Done! Good Luck!
To their families who end their time with us apon their youngest child graduating, good luck and all the best for the future years.
To all students and families who leave us at the end of this year, goodbye and Good luck. May you remember your time here fondly.
Merry Christma,
Matthew Stead