Defence Mentor News

Kelly Quigg

Defence School Mentor.

 In 2023 we said goodbye to 16 of our defence students; those who are graduating year 12, our families who are posting out to there new locations and those moving on to new adventures in life.

To our new defence families, we welcome you to Seymour College. 

We will see 60 defence students attending the College in 2024, and I look forward to meeting you all and getting to know your families. Please reach out if you have any questions or would like a meet & greet.

Farewell Winter

Winter is holding a picture that was framed and signed by her school friends as a goodbye gift.


The students have been enjoying the Christmas activities in the defence club throughout December with our minute to win it challenges. This has been a wonderful opportunity to say goodbye to those posting out and for others, a great way to continue making connections with other students.

Poppy Project

Mia Snowball pictured below, sitting with the poppies she has been looking after through term 4.

The poppies were planted by defence students as a part of The Seymour College Poppy Project.