Principal's Report

Our 2023 school year is drawing to a close, with Christmas just around the corner. This last week has been a time of celebrating and acknowledging students for their effort and commitment to their studies. Our secondary school awards were well attended, and we acknowledged our 2023 School Dux, Rose McQueen. Well Done, Rose, on such a stellar year! It was pleasing to see a 100% pass rate for our VCE, Vocational Major and Pathways studies, and to see that our results are up there with the best of them. 

Last night, our basketball court was full of families and students for the end-of-year concert. There was certainly Christmas cheer in abundance. Thank you to the ladies from Our Place for cooking up a storm on the Barbie. This was followed by our Year 6 graduation, where all the children celebrated and received their sashes and certificates. We also welcomed over 78 future Year 7s on Tuesday for the statewide transition day and 25 new Foundation children. Thank you to all the staff who have been involved in organising these events, and also a HUGE thank you to all the service clubs, local businesses and other community members who give so generously so that our students are recognised and aptly awarded. Lastly, thank you to the whole community of Seymour College for making me feel welcome in my first year as Principal of Seymour College. I hope everyone has a great Christmas and holiday break and I look forward to seeing everyone back in 2024. 


Please enjoy the snapshots below.



Debbie Oliver