Community News

Emmanuel College
Whilst we are nearing the end of the school year, there is still plenty happening at Emmanuel.
We have recently farewelled our students in Year 12 who now eagerly await their results which come out in a couple of weeks. We have also wished the Year 10 & 11 students well as they have completed their exams as well as their Headstart program and they head off for a well-earned break.
Last week was also very busy as the Year 8's headed to Anglesea to learn how to surf, to catch some waves and enjoy each other’s company away from studying. In addition to this, we acknowledged high achievement at the annual Celebration of Excellence evening held at Flemington Racecourse on Thursday. Awards were presented for excellence in all areas of school life and we congratulate everyone in achieving their personal and academic best.
It will be very exciting to welcome 473, Year 7/2024 students, to their Orientation Morning is this Tuesday 28 November. Orientation morning is another great way that assists in the transition leap from primary to secondary school and for students to get to know their campus a little bit better.
Ms King, Art teacher at Notre Dame is excited to share the news that it is clay time again! After the big move to the new Resing Art Building, the Art Department is making wonderful use of the facilities and the fantastic weather. The Roller Door is up and students have been experiencing the use of the new clay area at NDC.
This new room houses the pottery wheel facilities and the current Year 9 Picture Perfect students have been able to use this area to extend their clay making skills with much pleasure and enjoyment. This is on offer for many students that use clay as a material. Cleanup is a breeze, with the new area able to be hosed out for use in the next lesson - exciting times for the Art Department.
Yours sincerely,
Jenny Hendricks
Community Engagement
Mount St. Joseph Girls' College
Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College Altona was established by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart and the first 65 students walked through the gates on 4 February 1964.
In 2024, Mount St. Joseph Girls' College celebrates their 60th Anniversary, Alumnae and families with connections to MSJ are invited to join in the celebrations.
Tickets are now available for “MSJ Celebrates 60 years" on Sunday 18 February. To RSVP, scan the QR code or visit Trybooking HERE.
Kind regards,
Nicole Magee
Marketing & Communications Officer
Holy Trinity Parish Bulletin
Quantin Binnah - Before/After School Care
For more information and the location of the out of school hours care please visit website -
Quantin Binnah Community Centre
Ph.: 97425040
Fax: 97312699
Home Run Heroes Junior T-Ball and Softball Carnival
Hobsons Bay - Supported Playgroups
Footscray Water Polo
HBCC - Grow Your Own Veggie Patch
2024 Lanard Copeland Summer Holiday Basketball Camp
Leap into 2024 with the Lanard Copeland Summer Holiday Basketball Camp!
REGISTER before 1st January 2024 to go into the draw to win 1 OF 2 SCOOTERS!
The camp is open to participants aged between 5 – 16 years. Previous basketball experience is not essential as children are grouped according to their age and ability.
This camp will cover the fundamental skills of basketball focusing on shooting, defense and ball-handling in a fun and friendly environment with our experienced coaches!
The Camp is a 2 day event running on Monday 15th & Tuesday 16th January 2024, from 9 am – 3 pm daily.
Price: $160.00 per participant
Please bring: Lunch, water, a basketball and some snacks!
Major prize giveaway: An Invert 20″ Kids Drift Trike Big Wheel Slider!
There will be fruit, prizes and giveaways over the course of the camp with and the Canteen will also be open so bring some money with you for a treat!
Book now and keep the kids active on the school holidays!
***Disclaimer: Tickets are for both days only, no single day tickets available. Please note a photographer will be on site, if you do not wish your child to be photographed on the day, please email***
Super Speak
Scout School Holiday Program