Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients
Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.
- Collaboration
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Reflection
- Motivation
- Resilience
On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.
We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.
Week 7
Prep L, Isaac - For being a collaborative and caring classmate of Prep L! Isaac is a great example of a team leader when taking part in maths groups as he always ensures that everyone is included and working together. He consistently uses his manners, gives encouraging words and makes everyone feel welcome. Well done Isaac, you are a fabulous leader.
Prep N, Jia - For being a resilient learner who accepts her mistakes and learns from them. Jia is working hard at managing her emotions so that she can take on challenging situations to grow her learning. Keep working hard Jia.
1/2C, Havish - For being a collaborative learner during group tasks this week. Havish always brings a sense of humor and fun to his group. While ensuring everyone has a laugh, Havish also takes his role within the group very seriously and completes tasks to the best of his ability. Havish listens to his peers and uses different strategies to ensure everyone has a fair turn. Everyone wants you in their group Havish! Well done! P.s. Happy Birthday!
1/2S, Naia - For being a motivated learner who takes her learning seriously. She sets herself challenges in her learning and limits distractions around her in order to be successful. Naia was focused during writing sessions this week which allowed her to create a wonderful letter to her teacher. Well done Naia!
1/2JA, Megha - For being a motivated learner who always has a positive attitude towards learning. Last week, Megha collected data on the most popular zooper dooper flavours and represented it using a pictograph and bargraph. She interpreted her data and shared her insights with her peers. Well done Megha!
3/4S, Diamond - For being a curious learner on camp. Diamond had a great attitude at camp and asked interesting questions to support his learning.
3/4O, Darcy - For being a curious learner during our camp at Sovereign Hill. Darcy was interested to learn about gold panning techniques and was successful in finding gold in the stream! He stood out to the teachers as someone who was making the most of the opportunities at camp. Well done Darcy!
3/4SL, Evan - For being a curious learner while at camp who asked lots of questions of the staff at Sovereign Hill. He was respectful and listened attentively which helped him gain lots of learning about life on the Gold Diggings in the 1850’s. He entertained the staff with his jokes and showed what a superstar he was by making every moment count while he was away from home.
5/6S, Eilidh - For being a motivated learner who consistently drives her own learning. You are engaged and focussed, and constantly seek clarification and feedback to improve your learning outcomes. You complete tasks to a high standard. An example of this is the way you have gone about conducting your research for your Australian History Inquiry question. Well done Eilidh!
5/6K, Ryan - For being a motivated and reflective learner. You have been effectively researching for your Inquiry project, using all available resources to support you. You consistently refer to the rubric, ensuring you are meeting all components of the project to a high standard. What a great example of managing your time and demonstrating positive learning dispositions. Keep up this fantastic work Ryan!
5/6AN, Emily - For being a creative learner who has a strong imagination and creates vivid and engaging stories. Her recent masterpiece delves into her family's history and her grandmother's story of immigration, she is cleverly weaving this into her historical account for our inquiry unit. Your ideas are inspiring. Well done Emily!
Nick (PE), Giorgios & Ira - For being a collaborative learner you have helped coordinate the smooth running of the Socktober tournament. You organised your house colour teams well and made sure the games could be played with everyone participating. Thank you for your support over the whole year with all the sporting events. Well done Giorgios and Ira.
Week 8
Prep L, Chhazatlei - For being a collaborative learner who is making great choices in the classroom and on the yard! Chhazateli is practising leader behaviour by including others when playing and using kind words to solve problems. Well done superstar!
Prep N, Claire - For being a motivated learner who is trying her best and a little bit more, even when learning feels hard. Claire is using her letter sounds to stretch out unknown words so that she can read accurately. She is practising at home with her family and becoming a better reader. Well done Claire, you should be proud of yourself.
1/2C, Ashton - For being a resilient learner who has been trying his best at all learning tasks and is now giving everything a red hot go. Ashton recognises that changes are part of the learning process and is able to bounce back if challenges occur and if things don't go to plan. Well done on your learning journey, keep up the great work!
1/2S, Aria - For being a motivated learner this week in all learning areas. Aria set herself up for learning at the beginning of each learning session by ensuring she had everything she needed to be successful. She was engaged in learning discussions and shared her thoughts and knowledge respectfully with the class. Well done Aria, you should be so proud of yourself!
1/2JA, Jacqlyn - For being a collaborative learner who makes everyone feel welcome, included and valued in our classroom community. She never hesitates to help and support those around her, always willing to lend a helping hand. This week Jacqlyn assisted her peers in using directional language to get from one place to another. Thank you, Jacqlyn, for making our classroom a safe and positive space to learn.
3/4S, Mehr - For being a motivated learner who takes her learning seriously. She sets herself challenges in her learning and limits distractions around her in order to be successful. Well Done!
3/4O, Fabian - For being a curious learner during Inquiry. In Minecraft, Fabian explored the reasons people travelled to Australia during the gold rush in the 1850’s. He drove his learning by reading the texts, exploring all of the links, and asking questions about words he was unsure of. Well done, Fabian!
3/4SL, Darlene - For being a creative learner who places her best effort into each task by going beyond what is asked of her. She is constantly looking for ways to drive her learning by thinking outside the box. Keep up the great LEARNING, Darlene!
5/6S, Akshay - For being a creative learner, who enjoys doing things his own way and having fun while doing it! An example of this is the way you presented your leadership application video. It was both entertaining and informative at the same time. Pleas keep seeking out new ways to do things Akshay - it’s inspiring to see!
5/6K, Lyndelle - For being a motivated and resilient learner during our Maths unit on Statistics and Data. You drove your learning, seeking support when you felt challenged. You asked clarifying questions to consolidate your understanding and move forward your learning. Keep up this positive and motivated attitude to Maths Lyndelle! It has been fantastic watching your determination and your confidence grow this year in Maths!
5/6AN, Vihaan - For being a motivated learner during our Maths unit on Statistics and Data. He drove his learning by asking consolidating questions and doing a little bit more. You have been engaged, focused and seek clarification and feedback when needed, this is evident in your progress with analysing and interpreting data. Keep up the positive attitude towards Maths, Vihaan.
Nick (PE), Akira (5/6AN) - For being a motivated learner who tried her best whilst learning and playing LaCrosse and Hockey. You were involved in the gameplay and worked hard to improve your skills. Thank you for the effort you put in and keep it up Akira.