Education in Faith



To assist us with the administration and preparation of Sacraments for 2024, we ask you to fill in the Operoo form, to indicate if your child will be receiving a Sacrament next year in 2024.


Junior and Senior parents ACCEPT or DECLINE this invitation ASAP.  

Dates for Sacraments will be published in our school newsletter.


Reconciliation: baptized Catholics in Year 1, 2 and 3 or above.


Next year in 2024, children in:

  • Grade 2 and Grade 3 will receive Reconciliation.
  • Grade 3 and Grade 4 will receive Eucharist.
  • Grade 6 will receive Confirmation.

Reconciliation: baptized Catholics in Year 2 and 3.


Eucharist: baptized Catholics in Year 3 and 4 or above who have celebrated their Reconciliation.


Confirmation: Year 6 Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist.


If you have any further questions regarding your child receiving these Sacraments, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.


News from St Kevin's Parish Church

Feast of Christ the King


Gospel Reflection - Christ the King


This week’s liturgy marks the end of the liturgical cycle. Next week the Catholic Church begins the new year with the season of Advent. The liturgy is celebrated as the Feast of Christ the King – reminding us of a very imperial model of. To have this reading on the feast of Christ the King is a powerful reminder of how Jesus envisaged the Kingdom of God. For Jesus, the Kingdom was not a rule of power and status but a rule of justice and peace for even the lowliest. It is an apt conclusion to the liturgical year.


Our gospel passage comes as the third in a sequence of passages that make up Matthew Chapter 25. The chapter addresses the gospel’s intended audience who were caught in a time of uncertainty. Many people expected the promised return of the Lord within their lifetime and had seen the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 CE as a sign that the end of days was approaching. The three gospel passages speak of continuing to prepare for the coming of the Kingdom and the need to act in a way that works to bring about the reign of God in the world.


The Final Judgment

This gospel presents an understanding of judgment and punishment that reflects the theology and culture of the first century. It is an image that has continued to dominate Christian art and theology for most of its history: the idea of God sitting in judgment on the final day and weighing up each individual’s actions. We must remember that the focus of the gospel passage is on the call to action for justice.


Discussion Starters

  • Why do you think Jesus used the image of sheep and goats to represent the virtuous and the neglectful?
  • Why does Jesus banish the people who say they didn’t recognise him in need?
  • When have you helped someone in need? What happened and how did it make you feel?
  • When have you ever failed to help someone in need? Why did you not help?
  • Compare this reading with Luke 4:16-21. What message is evident in both readings?
  • What message or challenge emerges from the gospel passage for you?
  • Which groups are the hungry, thirsty, strangers, naked and imprisoned today?
  • How can you make a difference to one of these groups or individuals?
  • How might the Church better respond to the face of Jesus in the needy today?

ATTENTION - SFS needs Altar Servers 

If your child has received their First Holy Communion, you are requested to kindly enrol them at St. Kevin’s Parish to support our school community when celebrating mass during school hours.


ENROLMENT FORMS - please note that there are new enrolment forms available in the foyer. As part of our Safeguarding Review and Risk Assessment and to comply with the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne Safeguarding Guidelines, all current Altar servers will need to complete the new enrolment forms and return them to the Parish Office. Completed forms may also be sent by email to



Yours Sincerely,

God Bless


Rozeta Ambrose






House points for this term so far are:




6 690



6 078



5 881



4 810

Well done Patrick! Remember we have all of this term to go so one of the other houses may take the lead. You can get points for demonstrating our PBL Values especially Respect: engage and persevere with tasks, which is our focus at the moment. 


Later this term we will also begin our Christmas Appeal and students will get points for the Christmas gifts and hamper items they bring in.



Just a reminder that next week we will begin our Christmas Appeal. Students will come home on Monday with a tag that tells you the hamper item they will need to bring in. 


The Christmas trees will also go up in the Learning Spaces and students will be able to buy a present for a child who may otherwise not receive a Christmas present this year. To collect a tag from the Giving Tree, students will need to have a note in their diary from their parents saying they are allowed to take a tag. LSOs in each Learning space will then assist students to find a tag with their House Coloured ribbon. 


All items collected will go to our St Vincent de Paul Conference based at St Kevin’s and they will hand them out to those in our community who are less fortunate and may not otherwise be able to celebrate the birth of Christ. Students will also be given points for their houses for the hamper item they bring in and for any Christmas present they buy for demonstrating community spirit.


A big thanks to the SFS Community for their constant support!


Giuliana & SFS Mini Vinnies