From The Principal

Marion Coady

The 2023 academic school year is drawing to a close. Before we know it, the forthcoming festivities will have been and gone and 2024 will have arrived.


As this is the last newsletter for 2023, I want to acknowledge the staff who are leaving us. They include:


  • Jan Botha
  • Sharon Brown
  • Delphine Cantin
  • Anna Cocks
  • John Dart
  • Tim Dornan
  • Jerry Elder
  • Kass Holmes
  • Kate Lonergan
  • Daniel Lynch
  • Mami Matsunaga
  • Molly McCarthy
  • Becky Milne
  • Loren Panno
  • Kirsty Ramsay
  • Laurie Rowe
  • Jen Shinnick
  • Dillon Taylor
  • Aaron Wendland
  • Rob Wyllie
  • Raphael Zadey

Delphine, Kass, Daniel, Molly and Kirsty are moving to new schools. Jen Shinnick is leaving with the imminent arrival of her second child. We wish her well with a safe delivery and juggling the demands of a baby and toddler.  


Maureen Kent is on leave for next year. Dave McCulloch is going on leave to retirement. He has given 43 years to the teaching profession and has been at Aberfoyle Park High School since 2005. Raphael Zadey will be on leave moving into working outside of Education. He has given 30 years to the teaching profession and has worked at our school for the last five years.


I wish all the staff who are leaving the very best in their destination beyond our school. We may see some staff return to us in 2024.

2024 Student Free Day

To assist families with their planning for 2024, the following Student Free Days have been approved.

  • Tuesday 12 March
  • Monday 29 April
  • Monday 22 July
  • Friday 30 August

The school closure is on Monday 2 September.


To all of our students and families, thank you for your support throughout the year. 2023 was significantly different to 2020 to 2022 as we did not have the disruptions of COVID.


On behalf of all of the staff, I wish everyone a safe festive season and for our students, a relaxing and recharging break from school. Best wishes to the students and families who are leaving the school, a number due to the last of the children finishing their education with us.


To those students who are leaving, all the best on the continuing journey to success. 2024 will see a new group of Year 7 students and families join us. Farewell to the Year 12 Class of 2023 students who had their Graduation on 28 November.


The 2024 school year commences on Monday 29 January.