Secondary Community News

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)
The 7/8’s have settled into Term 1. We have been revisiting the school values, and what it means to be a Safe, Responsible & Respectful learner. Students have been engaging well in getting to know our new classmates and staff members, as well as creating displays for our new learning environments in the new 5-8 building. We are excited for a fun filled year 😊
Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)
Back to our Future
Welcome back to all our year 9/10 students – new classes, new teachers, new buildings and new ideas. We started the term with recounts of our holiday happenings, some fun ‘get to know me’ activities and orientation of the school, now that the new buildings are finally completed. The hoardings have been taken down and all has been revealed.
The years 9/10, focus is on the World of Work as the students start thinking about their future; what are their interests and what are their skills? A daunting task but over their last few years in school, this will be broken down into areas where they can demonstrate skills already acquired and learn new ones that they may not have considered. Our World of Work this year will be our Café program. For those of you new to the school, the students design, organise and run a Café in term 2 for staff to purchase their lunch once a week.
In Term 1, the students work in teams to come up with a name for the Café, a menu, prices, advertising ideas and budgets. The service team practice their communication and waiting skills and the production team will get to know their way around our new kitchen and practice cooking. This project allows the students to gain an insight into the world of hospitality and business in preparation for their future life in the community.
Watch this space for more information as the term unfolds. Ask your child to keep you informed about the chosen name and the menu and by the way, any menu and favourite recipe suggestions are welcome!
So, we look forward to a busy and productive term and meeting you all soon, at our parent/teacher meetings.
Senior Secondary (VPC/ASDAN)
VPC Team building at Blackwood
On Friday 2nd Feb, VPC students and staff went to Blackwood for team-building activities to kickstart the new school year. It was also an opportunity for students to reacquaint with their peers, and for staff and students to get to know each other. The weather was stunning and students such as Kaylan, Alesha, Kendra, Angelique, Shaun and Andrew enjoyed the many different team-building activities, especially the tug of war.
Below are some of student comments about the Blackwood day out.
Dylan and Jarred: We did a lot of team building activities like the tug of war competition and the caterpillar track
Matthew: I asked to play cricket and was surprised and happy with how it turned out
Aicha: I enjoyed the plank walk game
Jessykah: I liked playing the activities like pulling the rope left and right
Joshua: what I liked about Blackwood was the tug of war because we had to pull the rope in our direction and pick up an animal
May-Jane: I was excited because we got to play tug of war and the caterpillar. The day was beautiful
Noah: I liked playing footy in Blackwood
Tahlia: I liked going to Blackwood because we did different things
Mena: I liked the trees
Phillip: I liked playing sports with mates but it was hot
Billy: I enjoyed playing sports and getting wickets in cricket
Ruquaiyah: I really enjoyed the tug of war and hanging out with my friends
Levinia: it was a good day out
Jay: I enjoyed going to Blackwood. It was the perfect sunny day to go there
Ben: Blackwood was fun and great
David: at Blackwood I enjoyed walking planks and Jenga
Vivian: I had a great time doing the activities at Blackwood
Calista: Blackwood was relaxing although some of the sports were pretty hard. I had a good time
Sammy: I really had fun at Blackwood. I enjoyed the trip
Arvind: I enjoyed Blackwood I played soccer with my friends. We had lots of fun and we played tug of war
What's Happening In ASDAN?
Year 10-12 A and B have all returned to school very happily and settled into class routines quickly.
This term we are learning all about meal preparation and food hygiene. We are also learning about navigating the local community safely, using money to purchase items independently, reading signs and developing our employability skills. This week we started our offsite programs. We had a great first visit to Sunshine City Lawn Bowls and even though it rained we still got some practice.