Primary Community News

Foundation (Prep-Year 2)
Prep A have had a wonderful beginning to the school year! It has been so exciting getting to know our new teachers and meeting new friends. We have been practising new routines, such as unpacking our school bags, getting our lunch box and drink bottle, and lining up to go outside. We are in a Sun Safe part of the year so we make sure to wear our hats outside. This term we look forward to learning ‘All About Me,’ ‘My Family’ and Jackson School! Look out for more photos on Seesaw!
Lower Primary (Years 3-4)
The first two weeks back to school are all about getting ready to learn. Students are busy getting to know their teachers, meeting new classmates, and familiarizing themselves with the classroom. They learn about classroom expectations and practice following instructions, focusing on whole-body listening, checking in with their zones, giving positive greetings, and lining up. Relationship-building activities and group work are also key components of the first weeks. As Jackson Learners, they have the chance to share their aspirations, likes, and dislikes, fostering a sense of community and understanding among peers. Everyone is excited and looking forward to a great new school year ahead. Understanding what helps us learn is an essential part of this journey.
Upper Primary (Years 5-6)
Upper Primary students have settled well into Term 1 and they are enjoying our brand-new classrooms! We have been revising our school values and why it is important to be a good Jackson Learner. Students have been working hard to create an engaging classroom environment and have been enjoying getting to know their new classmates, teacher and ESS.