Wellbeing News

This term we are in full swing preparing our children to be ready to transition to their new level, teacher and class for 2024.  There are many facets to this preparation which take many hours of thought, negotiation and planning with many stakeholders.  These are some of things that have and will continue to be happening this term-


Year 6s

Our Year 6s have had transition days at their new school, as well as staff from those schools visiting Holy Family to meet with our 2024 Year 7 students.  The Year 6 teachers have also been busy completing transition forms for the secondary schools, and our teachers have been discussing aspects of what to expect in Year 7 with the children.  Our staff have also met with staff of the secondary schools.


Year Prep-5

Our students have completed the process of identifying some fellow students that they 'learn and work best with' to potentially be placed in the same class as in 2024.  Our staff have also been looking at combinations of children for 'best placement' so that all of our students have the best opportunities to achieve success in their new class both academically and socially.  Our 'move up' program will occur in the last week for students to meet their new teacher/s and fellow classmates.

We have been very lucky too, that the new students joining us at Holy Family in 2024 have been able to start their transition program two weeks ago.  We look forward to these students joining us again next Wednesday 29th November.


Year 4 (Buddies for Year 5 2024)

Our current Year 4s will be meeting their 2024 Buddy next Tuesday, and will be undergoing some special 'Buddy Training sessions' over the coming weeks to prepare them to be the best buddy they can be.


Prep 2024

Our 2024 Prep students have had many visits to Holy Family both last term and this term. Our last transition session for our Preps is next Tuesday 28th November.  They will be very excited to meet their teacher and Year 5 buddy.  They have been amazing and we think they are ready for Prep now!


Moving to a new classroom- some considerations and tips-

No matter the time of year, moving to a new classroom or being assigned a new teacher can be a tough adjustment for children. Why? For one thing, making changes easily requires an executive-function skill called mental flexibility, which some children are still working on developing (especially the younger students).  But hey—even some of us adults have a little trouble adjusting to changes, too!

Each child is different, which means reactions to change can vary: Some kids show up ready and raring to go in their new environs, eager to explore and meet new friends, while others can be a little more apprehensive!   They all need some level of adult assistance to help them transition effectively.


How do I help my child transition to a new class?

Talk with your child: Let your child know what to expect and that it won't be easy. Give them time to express their concerns and hopes. 

But above all else- remain positive at all times!  


The following is an article worth reading from the Be You website-


Eithne King

Wellbeing Leader