Student Awards



Prep DKAlkhvir Singh- For his clever contributions to class discussions and for being a caring friend.
1/2SGSettling in so quickly into  Holy Family School and making friends. Job well done
1/2JMaya Seshadri - For working exceptionally in Maths on her knowledge of Fractions & Time! You are amazing!
1/2DIMichael - for following the school rules and using his manners towards teachers and peers 

Ben Harris- For his incredible commitment to his role as Hercules! You battled through your sickness and gave an amazing performance, well done Ben 


3/4C- Their incredible performance in the concert. Thank you for bringing such passion, energy and enthusiasm. You are all rockstars!

3/4M3/4M - For your spectacular performance last night! You blew me and the audience away! Elvis would have been very proud of you all!! 
5/6LFabian Santolin for his fantastic teamwork with his group working on his Claymation video. 
5/6SZoe Tsakmakis for writing narratives and pobble stories that are like reading poetry! Congratulations!
5/6PGPhoenix Mavrovouniotis for his enthusiasm and creativity in the Claymation incursion. Well Done!
5/6FGInez Cheng for always giving her best, asking questions, being courteous and always respectful. Super, Inez!

Markiian Melnykov (Year 1/2S) for smiling, signing and staying at the table patiently without the need to be supervised one-on-one!


Zai Dickson (Year 5/6L) for consistently embodying politeness, quiet demeanour, and respect in all Auslan classes. Your exemplary behaviour sets a high standard and is truly commendable.

Physical Education

Sophia Romanin - District Cross Country medal 

Dylan Harris - District Cross Country medal