Grade 1/2

Mrs McBride, Miss Sully & Mr Shuttleworth, with special help from Miss Jenni.

Movie Excursion

Thursday November 30th,  1/2A & 1/2B classes joined the Prep class to take a bus into Ballarat to see the new Trolls movie. We all enjoyed the movie,  even had a good dance in the cinema while the ending credits played. We then headed over to the inclusive playground in Vic Park, to enjoy our lunch and have a play. 

Integrated studies

Students in both classes shared some very interesting items as part of our 'Learning Through Generations' unit. Thank you to the families that sent items in. The students presented beautifully. The students enjoyed looking at the items that were used by a family member from a generation ago.  

Beaufort Show

Congratulations to Edith, Eliza & Bridget on receiving awards at the recent Beaufort Show.


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