From the Chaplain

We have had our last Chapel services for the year for the Primary and Secondary Schools.  Both chapels had a Christmas theme to them.  The Primary School learned about the story of Jesus’ birth and how Christmas is a time to celebrate that Jesus the saviour of the world was born.  The Year Five students made some beautiful posters to share about how other people in the world celebrate Christmas.  They had fun at the end of their presentation to try and say ‘Merry Christmas’ correctly in the language of their country.  I like the sound of the Greek fried pastries drizzled with honey and nuts and how little gnomes bring the presents in Norway. 


In the Secondary School Chapel, they learned about six Christmas colours and what they represent. 

  • Red for poinsettia plants on the table, Santa and holly berries.  Red for Jesus; born at Christmas who later shed his blood for us on the cross. 
  • White for snow and the purity of Jesus that makes our sin as white as snow. 
  • Purple the colour of royalty.  Jesus is the King of Kings.   
  • Blue for icicles.  In the Bible, blue represents God’s word and the heavens. 
  • Green represents growth and life. God is life and has everlasting love for us all (like the green wreath that goes round and round and never ends, so does God’s love for everyone).  
  • Gold for the gift that one of the Magi gave Jesus.  Gold represents the gift of Jesus being God with us at Christmas, the best gift of all. 

John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”  


Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain